Showing a sub-report's Page Header inthe main Report


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Today, 02:21
Feb 4, 2014
So having spent a long time creating a nice sub report with a page header, I'm shocked to find out that it doesn't show on the main report!

I've googled the problem & there seems to be a workaround involving creating a group header on teh sub report, the problem is having read numerous explanations I'm just not getting it.

So back to basic, am I in the right ballpark area (bottom of the screen shot)....

...& if I am, why can't I see the steps as explained here in red....

"How to create something lke a a Page Header in a Sub Report

You can create a dummy header .grouping by setting the group on to 1 (enter the digit 1). You can then set the section to repeat. Now you have a group header that will print on every page.

Repeating Group Headers:
In the Group Header's prperties, set the Repeat property to Yes to get the header to print on every page if the group spans multiple pages.
Ok, just solved this...the solution was simple (& didn't involved any grouping spoken of in all the solutions I googled).

In the main report, withing Design View, select the 'detail' section at the top of the properties box ...there's an option in the to select "Show Page Header & footer" - select yes, voila, the page header in the sub report is now visible in the main report :-)
Ok, just solved this...the solution was simple (& didn't involved any grouping spoken of in all the solutions I googled).

In the main report, withing Design View, select the 'detail' section at the top of the properties box ...there's an option in the to select "Show Page Header & footer" - select yes, voila, the page header in the sub report is now visible in the main report :)
Work like a charm! Thank you! :)
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Hey can you expand. I am in design view but I am not seeing anything called 'Detail Section' in the Report properties pane?
It's in the drop-down menu at the top of the property sheet, where you would select which control, section, or report you want to edit the properties of.

In order words, the "detail section" isn't a property - you're editing the properties of the detail section.
there's an option in the to select "Show Page Header & footer" - select yes,
I have 365 version and there is no option in the detail section called "Show Page Header & footer" . 🤔
How I can get to it ?

It's in the drop-down menu at the top of the property sheet, where you would select which control, section, or report you want to edit the properties of.

In order words, the "detail section" isn't a property - you're editing the properties of the detail section.
Year old thread? :)

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