So how about that Tim Cook?

Yep - the Man always comes out on top.
(Except in certain circles)
Follow the money. Not everything is attributed to a cause, reason, or support.
Publicity on these kind of matters doesn't mean that we, the unbathed masses, will ever be privileged to know the facts behind the statements.

As for Trump's comment (from his iPhone), it is just normal politics.
This last weekend, reviewed an article.
It basically showed the demographics for Apple iPhone users.
The demographic profile infers that the type of people who own iPhone won't vote for Trump. So, Trump lost very little or nothing.

The demographics also indicate that Trump supporters (most Android users) would probably laugh at jokes made about iPhone owners. There are so many jokes about iPhone users from South Park cartoons to stand-up comedians. Nothing new, just a profile.

The point is, Trump once again got free national publicity. The iPhone owners that were not amused would not be Trump supporters anyway. Those that don't like iPhone users enjoyed the jab at Apple.
My guess is that Trump, like most people who run for office, understands marketing 101.

This is no different than any political figure getting free publicity by saying "<blank> owners (or users) are <fill in the blank>". It gets free press, it doesn't drive away their own supporters. Yes, every situation is different and while it rhymes with other situations. The News media... they sold a lot more advertisement by adding hype.
So the discussion turns back to Trump again.
Understandable - everybody is talking Trump, love him or hate him - or both! The man scares (make that "terrifies") me, but on the other hand his ascendency is fascinating and it's nice to see the other, more "conventional" candidates get their asses whupped (to borrow a phrase from Muhammad Ali). I have an iPhone 6s Plus - but I also have a Samsung tablet. I'm the sort that doesn't follow the heard and who defies categorization by pollsters and demographers.

So, follow the money, eh?
Strikes me as some old-timey barroom wisdom that meant something once; but the world, society, and the forces of good vs. evil have evolved beyond a simple quest for money - not that money is irrelevant, mind you - just that it isn't everything anymore. It's one piece of the puzzle and sometimes it just doesn't fit - as in cases of ideologues of one sort or another going on shooting sprees for no discernible purpose or profit. Just as the concept of "war" has evolved from two sides in different color uniforms fighting each other on the battlefield until one color is all dead or running in the other direction. Now it's a door-to-door search for "insurgents" on one side and bands of maniacs shooting up churches and movie theaters on the other. The trail of money in such cases will lead you nowhere. This is violence for violence's own sake. The concept of war has changed - probably since Vietnam and continuing to evolve ever since. The spoils of war used to be wealth, but now it's just dead bodies.
Follow the money. Not everything is attributed to a cause, reason, or support.
I think it's changed slightly, nowadays.

In the past, money = power. If you were rich enough, you could pay for an army and take whatever you wanted. Now - as Libra commented - war has changed. Conventional wars are rare today and intelligence is, arguably, far more useful than money. Intelligence = power. It was always useful to have intelligence but given the speed and ease with which things can be done today, it's never been more vital to have better information that the opposition.

Money? Becoming less and less of a physical thing. With the right knowledge, you can 'create' money at any time you want just by adding a few zeroes to a number in a file.

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