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Dar Kfa

I need a table with details about every persons computer including spec, size, ram etc. But it also needs to have a list of programs and applications which are installed on the computer. I have no idea how I can do this. Any ideas?
You've been a very naughty boy. ;)


  • lushy.jpg
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Yeah but can you answer my question or not?
This is an Access forum you know. Not an Expose Lushman's New Identity forum.
I don't see why I should help you as you've been nothing but offensive over the course of this week - spamming the board and insulting other forum members in the Watercooler.

Click here for an example.
Dar Kfa said:
I need a table with details about every persons computer including spec, size, ram etc. But it also needs to have a list of programs and applications which are installed on the computer. I have no idea how I can do this. Any ideas?

My first suggestion would be - Read a book.
Roader said:
Seriously, swannie.

Seriously what ever your name is over the next minute.

Reading books is the best way to learn, and is the way that most of us have learned.

Why don'y you try iytsometime, you might find it rewarding.
Perhaps you should consider that if I resorted to asking the likes of you for an answer, I probably have already consulted some books?
Roader said:
Perhaps you should consider that if I resorted to asking the likes of you for an answer, I probably have already consulted some books?

Maybe then people like you would get a job more suitable of your talents !!!!

Does anyone have any suggestions ??
Computer Table --> Junction table <-- Applications Table
Oh, thanks Mile-O-Phile.

But what does that mean? Should I use a Junction Table?
Thank you for that sarcasm Rich. But what is a Junction Table?
what has happened here? Since 2 weeks ago there seems to be a lot of arguing and complaining. It seems such a shame b/c it was never like that before. Guess a good thing cant last forever!:(

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