Software Development


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Today, 02:32
Aug 9, 2019
Please, I just need some clarification, I developed a program for my company and a branch of that company is located about 600km away from me. I thought of giving someone a Super User ID to do almost all the required activity I should do, but cannot access the script.

But very recently, I see someone around that want to get the right to developer's access and take possession of the Application for whatever reason, I don't know. Please what do you advice, he has presented all kinds of reasons why I should give him this right to the Codes and modify and off cause can be pirated and the management seems to key in to this idea.

I was employed into the company to serve in a different department, but when the management got to know I have the Software Development Skill, they asked for these system development. Functional and performing their transaction very smoothly.

I will appreciate your advise please
You never posted what you need advise for. There's no question and you have stated actions others want you to perform but never stated what your concerns with those requests were.

So please tell us what exactly is your concern? If its a legal concern please also include the country whose laws govern you.
You never posted what you need advise for. There's no question and you have stated actions others want you to perform but never stated what your concerns with those requests were.

So please tell us what exactly is your concern? If its a legal concern please also include the country whose laws govern you.
thanks a lot, i will modify and update the post shortly
I will start by saying that I'm not a lawyer. I can only tell you what would be true for the USA. I have NO IDEA what would be true for your country, but I'm pretty sure it ISN'T the USA.

In the USA, if you were hired and then asked to develop software, it isn't yours anyway. It was work done as part of your employment, what we call "work for hire." In that case, you express your concerns to the person who asked you about developing this software and abide by HIS advice.

If your country has the legal concept of "software work for hire" like we do in the USA, my answer is probably at least close.

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