Sorting records in a form


Local time
Today, 10:57
Jan 3, 2023
I have some records in a form. I would like to create "sort" object. When i click on a record it should go up or down and it should save the sorting in a table
EX. I have 5 rows with id, description
1 aaa
2 bbb
3 zzz
4 ffff
5 ccc
i would like to move the row zzz to the end when i am click on something
any suggestions?
Are you saying you want the sorting order to be permanent? Are you asking to sort alphabetically? Or, are you asking to pick and choose the sorting order? For the latter, here's an example:
I am asking to choose and reorder the record as i want. not necessary in alphabetically order
Is there anything in the Similar Threads at the bottom of the page that does what you need?
Or theDBGuys link in #2?
You can train the user to use the sort options (and filter options) in the ribbon or you can provide a different interface like an option group. and write code to modify the sort property and requery the form although the sort might happen automatically.

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