Split database gone/corrupted PLEASE HELP


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Today, 06:28
Jul 2, 2015
First thing I am told monday is that my database doesn't work. I think the ACCDE file has been corrupted or something. This is my first time splitting one for work and my first time seeing this error of about a month of good functioning.
The first time I opened it, an error message popped up that said "Microsoft has detected that this... wil be placed in a new database." (I couldn't see the middle of the error box because another object appeared on top, and the rest was whited out. I googled it and assumed it said this
"Microsoft Office has detected that this database is in inconsistent state and this database will attempt to recover the database. During this process a backup copy of the database will be made and all recovered objects will be placed in a new database. Access will then open the new database."

I closed it because of the freezing, and now a message says
"The document caused a serious error last time it was opened. Would you like to continue opening it?"

I assume this happened because my front and back end is located on a shared server location. All of the users here (about 80, but no more than 7 at once) have a link to the network location and they access it through a shortcut.

How can I stop this from happening again? And how exactly do you recover it? Do I need to re-convert the accdb file?
Restore from backup. I backup the db everyday.
Everyone backs up their data.
Hmm, first thing is everyone should have a copy of the Frontend on their Local not sharing a Frontend located on the Server. This will go a long way to avoiding corruption.

Now, to fix what you have... recreate the .ACCDE, no way to restore the current .ACCDE.
I do have a backup copy.
However, every time I try to move/delete the file that isn't working, it says I cannot because someone has the file opened. The person that is listed as the one who has it open says they do not have it open.
Now what? lol
Thanks Gina. I figured that would be best.
I am trying to at least move or delete the old file before recreating the new one because it won't let me replace until nobody is in the file. There is no way to tell who is using it or how to get them out of it apparently. And if I just give it another name, I will have to re-install the new location on everyone's desktop individually. We have 100+ employees here and most are not tech savvy enough to do it themselves.
& even if I re-create it and give everyone their own copy, this means that whenever I make design changes, I have to individually re-copy all 100+ local files so that their front end is also updated.
Is there a way around any of this? I don't really have the time to individually create a shortcut (again) for everyone in the company. Since there are so many (again, non tech savvy) people here, I figured mapping everyone to the shared file would eliminate me having to go around to everyone's computer copy their file again when I make changes.
You could distribute a script (eg. bat) which copies the front end from common location to local each time and the runs it). google this site
Le Jano:
Are you a server administrator? Guess not. So here is a solution:
Gina's (remember me?) is right: users must have a local version of the FE. Need to install it physically? no. From the server, you can install anything you want on any connected PC. So, decide on an auto update of the FE (I used 12:15AM) and run a scheduled job, installed on every PC, that updates the local FE.

By the way, from the server, you can kill any job running on any PC. So, if your app is locked, send a general message and kill any running job...
I do have server admin privileges, and I am learning that as well. The only reason I am dreading giving everyone a physical copy is because yes, sneakernetting, sadly is the way this company works for right now. We are a small nonprofit without an IT dept. The CIO and I are the only people with any computer knowledge but I am somewhat fresh out of college and have not been faced with a real world issue like this.
On the server, can you install the FE on all PCs at once?
Again, I know it sounds really noob of me but I'm asking because I honestly don't know. I come here for help.
And you're welcomed!
Server OS? PCs OC? Access version?

Be very attentive when reading a reply: I gave you a solution.
So, decide on an auto update of the FE (I used 12:15AM) and run a scheduled job, installed on every PC, that updates the local FE.
Of course, the batch file needs to be installed on every PC and its property set. This can be done from the server since you can access any connected PC (unfortunately I forget the manip to do that).

As it is, A2013 (the one I am using) is totally unsafe (let's praised MS). I have created a procedure to raise security to a very high level but I hesitate to release it because my A2013 came with Office 365 (????) and is rotten to the bone: the proc uses automation but my Access doesn't allow it!!!
I read. Lol.
I noted that you gave me a solution. I guess, in not enough words, I basically was saying that I didn't know how to go about applying it. I've seen what to do. The "how" is where I get stuck again. That's why I mentioned being a beginner at working with a server.

Okay, well easy enough...

Is everyone mapped the same? So, if your mapped drive is named *T:\*, is everyone else's named the same?

Please define what you mean as unsafe? And what does that have to do with splitting the database?
You do not read very carefully though. The simplest thing is what I outlined in #6. If there are things you do not understand then ask. If you do not react to postings then you won't get any from me anyway, because I'm a very fast learner.
It as nothing to do with splitting an app: when MS decided to drop the User Level Security, they were leaving the Access app creators to handle it themselves. Nice job.

I made a huge system for DomFer using A97 (1999-2008), controlling the hole operations of the plant (approx. 1400 objects). The hole thing was armored through an appropriate usage of wrkgrp (?) security (I was also admin of the server). Without contextual menu, shift trick disabled, MS keys disabled, etc. the app was fairly safe (couple guys admitted they tried to sneak in...).

The job waiting for you is complex: is there anyone you know who is familiar with server?

Get cool with LOL: I asked you
Server OS? PCs OC? Access version?

Spike is kind of rough but he is wright: if you don't answer to question, you will discourage any help...

Never used it because could be easily cracked if not set up correctly. You want security put the tables (backend) on an SQL Server.

That said, that is not the topic here. Only concern is splitting the database, so let's not muddy the waters.
You do not read very carefully though. The simplest thing is what I outlined in #6. If there are things you do not understand then ask. If you do not react to postings then you won't get any from me anyway, because I'm a very fast learner.

In #6 you added "google this site" and didn't provide a site.
I do not know how to create the script that you suggest.
Beginner at all of this...
"Google this site" means "Google the Access World Forums" site.

As to the business of "sneaker-net" - that has a specific meaning involving visiting every machine with a disk or thumb drive. You don't EVER need to sneaker-net if you really have a shared back-end - because you have to have a REAL network to implement that.

If you allow remote sharing of the FE, you open yourself up to a gazillion problems with file locks and Access internal structural locks. Your corruption is almost certainly due to this sharing and caused by either resource problems or network problems. You will have absolutely NO stability unless you switch to a local FE file and remote BE file. When you switch to this mode of operation, you want to use the Optimistic locking option whenever possible.

With any normal Windows-based domain controllers and name-servers on your network, you will reference your BE files in one of two ways - Drive-letter and folder mapping (x:\folder1\folder2\...\mydb.accde, where x: is a drive letter that maps to a share folder), or universal resource mapping (\\server\sharename\folder1\folder2\...\mydb.accde). To use a remote BE, you have to link the BE tables to the FE (or you can say that as linking the FE to the BE tables, pick your favorite statement style). It will not be possible for you to have a mixed-mode method of linking FE to BE if you have a local copy of the FE. It will be all drive-letter or all universal-resource. Mixed is not possible. I recommend the universal-resource method.

Now, how do you help your folks get the new files? Are they smart enough to do Copy/Paste between two open file windows? First, make a short-cut in your shared folder that uses the same style of mapping as your FE/BE link. Next, give your people written instructions on how to navigate the network to your shared folder ONE TIME.

Tell them that while they are mapped to the right folder, they must copy the FE file and your shortcut (which is technically a .LNK file) to their working folders. Thereafter, when it is time for them to copy a new FE file, they can open their working folder, then open the link and get TWO windows. Then it will be drag-n-drop (or Copy/Paste) for the FE file and Windows will ask them whether they want to do a Copy/Replace vs. Copy/Rename. They can do the Replace option and be ready to go.

If even this simple a method is beyond them, you need to serious consider whether you want such thumb-fingered dolts touching your database at all.

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