Solved Split Report and Attachments

The second subreport (the one with the pictures) has its datfrom a query that selects only records with attachments.
I’ll have to check if there are links as you say. The first subreport has its data from the [log] table. That table also contains all the data including the attachment.
but based on your comment, I should maybe have both subreport linked to the [log] table and put a condition in the second subreport to take records with not-empty attachment. Is it possible to add a condition “not empty”?
The second subreport (the one with the pictures) has its datfrom a query that selects only records with attachments.
I’ll have to check if there are links as you say. The first subreport has its data from the [log] table. That table also contains all the data including the attachment.
but based on your comment, I should maybe have both subreport linked to the [log] table and put a condition in the second subreport to take records with not-empty attachment. Is it possible to add a condition “not empty”?
I found the issue… I was using the field the attachment field instead of using the .filedata subfield. This works.
Indeed, when using the attachment type in a table, Access creates “sub fields” .filedata, .filename, .filetype. If one uses the main field, it doesn’t discriminate the attachment. It works now.
and I used the ID number to identify the attachment as “header”.
I’ll compile the whole report later.

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