SQL error message

I have attached my Final Data base, if anyone is interested.
Question, were do you execute the qyery qryselected_statistics on form frmSelected_statistics?


I have attached my Final Data base, if anyone is interested.
Question, were do you execute the qyery qryselected_statistics on form frmSelected_statistics?
Dumb question, found my answer.
Well please post the solution for anyone else with the same query.
That is what the forum is about after all.
As I pointed out in a different thread, you are being very shortsighted by deleting blood pressure readings. Maybe you should learn how to use a query that uses a date range instead. That way, you can control the data used to compute your average and you can compare the averages over time. What was the average for last month, is my new medication working?
Dumb question, found my answer.

When you honestly didn't know the answer right away and had to find it by prolonged inspection, that does not qualify as a "dumb question." For the legit "I did not know" situation, there ARE no dumb questions.

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