SQL table linked in MSAccess, insert yes, update/delete no

The plot "thickens". When I reconnect the Accessclient to a copy of the database, the problem isn't there. MS Access is still the same build. Reconncting to the "original" database it's back.
So now it seems it's something in the database, but it's a 100% copy of the PRD database (although I have been working on updates for some months). I could recopy the PRD database, however I have some developmentrecords in several tabels that I don't want to loose a.t.m.

I had the dev SQL-server restarted, no effect.

What could cause this if this specific database seems to be the culprit?
Check the SQL Server compatibility level on the two servers.
That's it! I changed the compatilitylevel of the database because I needed to use some function (can't remember what), but I changed the server to 150 (2019). I overwrote the database and ran all updates (including the compatibility level) but on the "new" database the issue doesn't yet exist
I only thought about it afterwards, but should have mentioned it right at the start.

We created a new database for a client and imported everything from a working copy, and we couldn't get the front end to connect to it.
We ended up having to go to a new SQL driver for them (No bad thing tbh) then it connected fine.

After a lot of digging we found the only difference - the compatibility level! :p

Glad it helped.
I haven't tested (yet), but it must be this, tnx!

A new driver is an option, but it would require testing of the whole system, no time for that a.t.m.

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