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When you link SQLite tables to MS Access using the Microsoft Access Database Engine (ACE), you will need to ensure that the same Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver is installed on all other PCs where you want to use the database. Here is a general guide on how to do this: 1. **Install Microsoft Access Database Engine (ACE)**: - Make sure Microsoft Access Database Engine is installed on all PCs where you want to use the linked SQLite database. 2. **Configure the ODBC Data Source**: - You will need to configure an ODBC data source for the SQLite database on each PC. - On Windows, you can do this by going to "Control Panel" > "Administrative Tools" > "Data Sources (ODBC)". - In the "System Data Sources" tab, click "Add" and choose the "SQLite3 ODBC Driver" driver. - Follow the instructions to configure the ODBC data source for the SQLite database file. 3. **Linking Tables**: - After configuring the ODBC data source, you can follow the same steps described previously to link SQLite database tables to MS Access on each PC. By following these steps, you will be able to use the linked SQLite database in MS Access on other PCs, as long as the ODBC driver is configured correctly. Be sure to include clear instructions for configuring the ODBC data source when distributing your application to other users. ..........
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