Star Trek: Discovery - A Dying Show?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 11:58
Jul 5, 2006
Today is You Tube Sunday. Yea!!!! (y) Actually we are temporarily avoiding watching regular streaming programming. Instead we binged watched shows, such as Outer Range, Night Sky, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. One show, that we have increasingly fallen behind with, is Star Trek: Discovery. It has gotten progressively worse.

Today, we went You Tube "surfing" to get season recaps and evaluations on a variety of show. In retrospect, I'm surprised that we have not done this more often. In regards to Star Trek: Discovery; I have periodically seen negative reviews, but hadn't really payed them that much attention. Initially, I really liked the show. I was really rooting for Michael Burnham and the warlike nature of the Klingons was also resurrected! With Season 2, things started to go down hill. Season 3 is almost unwatchable, we haven't watched another episode in months. Since today is You Tube Sunday, we did a "dive" on Star Trek: Discovery reviews.

I really liked the video review below, which presents data demonstrating that the viewers are abandoning Star Trek: Discovery. That starts at the approximate 4 minute mark. Very similar to how data is collected for the thread: Access World Forums - HIT COUNT.

Since posting, I ran accross the video below. Nerdrotic didn't care much for Burnham. Geez, I really liked her.:cry:

Perhaps is the most damning are the videos below. They are not simply a castigation of Star Trek: Discovery, but a condemnation of the entire Star Trek universe. I must disclose that I have not watched each video completely. From the portions that I have watched, I tend to agree with him. Though I agree with his condemnation of the Star Trek universe (by setting "left wing political correctness" aside), I have still enjoyed watching Star Trek.

There is a must read follow-up post here: Two Visions of Humanity Within the Context of Star Trek: Picard
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I liked the first series Star Trek Discovery.

I could cope with one gay couple, and I understood how it fitted into the story. Then there was the Klingon who had been converted into a human. That story sort of worked, but I did get a bit lost with it. I'm not sure that the instantaneous Drive is a good idea. It's a bit like when Superman became able to travel back in time, I couldn't understand why he didn't just go back and fix everything without there being any trouble. In other words, it makes some stories sort of implausible.

I'll probably get this quote wrong, but somebody said that God has no limits, Humans do have limits, it is the limits that make life interesting. If you give your characters, your story too many powers, then it messes up the ability to create a decent story..
I'll probably get this quote wrong, but somebody said that God has no limits, Humans do have limits, it is the limits that make life interesting. If you give your characters, your story too many powers, then it messes up the ability to create a decent story..
Very true. I have essentially given-up watching MCU universe movies. Too many "gods" that can change time and the very nature of reality. Not to also mention getting lost in the vast number of characters and different (movie) versions of the same story.

Season 1 of Star Trek: Discovery held a lot of back-story promise. That quickly evaporated with Season 2, where things dragged out and became evermore ludicrous.

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