Syntax Error in INSERT INTO Statement


New member
Local time
Today, 18:56
Jan 22, 2025
I am currently working on Invoicing in my db. When I click the button to insert my 'Item' into the 'InvoicedItemsSub' I get a Syntax Error in INSERT INTO Statement. I copied this from another db I have that works fine and just changed the information accordingly. I'm pretty new at this and can't see what the problem is. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

docmd.runsql "Insert INTO tbl_InvoiceItems" & _
"(InvID,ItmID,ItmSID,ItmSaleBalance,InvItmQty,InvItmPrice) VALUES " & _
"(" & me.Parent!InvID & "," & me.ItmID & "," & me.ItmSID & "," & saleInv & "," & saleInv & "," & me.ItmSAmount & ");"
Try this sql statement instead of yours to output the sql and check if the values added into maybe contain incompatible content like comma for example:
Debug.Print "Insert INTO tbl_InvoiceItems" & _
"(InvID,ItmID,ItmSID,ItmSaleBalance,InvItmQty,InvItmPrice) VALUES " & _
"(" & me.Parent!InvID & "," & me.ItmID & "," & me.ItmSID & "," & saleInv & "," & saleInv & "," & me.ItmSAmount & ");"
Why are you trying to add the same value twice (saleinv) to balance and quantity?
Put it all into a string variable and DEBUG.PRINT it until you get it correct. Then use that variable in the command.
I'll give you a hint: Sometimes the VBA compiler is a bit dumb - like "as a box of rocks" dumb. Sometimes it requires a space after a named item even though another syntax clue such as a "(" character is already present, because without the space, it looks like a function call. But the ideas given by my colleagues as a debugging method should help you find that little bug-a-boo.
Why are you not using a bound form? Bound forms don't require code to do basic table functions. You only need code for things that are not generic such as validating data.

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