tab stop problem, I think.

John Sh

Active member
Local time
Today, 22:40
Feb 8, 2021
I have a small form with the first 6 controls tabbed 1 to 6 and the tabstops set to "No".
If any of these controls has focus, except no6 and I click the "next" button, docmd.gotorecord,,acnext, or the "close" button, docmd.closeform, or similar docmd. commands the form scrolls to the next control until it gets to tab 6 then it will go next or exit the form.

This form was mostly copied from a similar form which does not display this behaviour.
I am not understanding described behavior.

Could provide db for analysis.
Gibberish. JS, you don't write computer manuals by any chance?
Basically, if software isn't working that was working, then something has clearly changed. Just locate what you have changed in your new form from the original form you copied that was working.
Gibberish. JS, you don't write computer manuals by any chance?
Basically, if software isn't working that was working, then something has clearly changed. Just locate what you have changed in your new form from the original form you copied that was working.
Thank you for your encouragement cotswold.
I have checked all that might affect this operation and nothing has changed.
That's why I defer to this forum for helpful comments.
You are welcome John Sh.

There is a solution and that is to compare the Properties of all objects on the original form to the new form. Maybe if you print out all of the Properties of the Objects in error will help? Or even every Object, including the Form Properties from the working form's Property Sheet and comparing each carefully to the new form will help you locate your change? You can do that as well as any of us, so it would be pointless for someone to do it for you. Personally I refuse to do anything for anybody who won't do it for themselves. So I won't be volunteering.

I have to admit that I fail to see how you can Tab from an Object where its TabStop is set to False.

Maybe re-look at it again tomorrow? Or make another copy of the working version and start again? After all there is a reason for everything and all you need to do is to locate it. Good luck in your endeavours.
You are welcome John Sh.

There is a solution and that is to compare the Properties of all objects on the original form to the new form. Maybe if you print out all of the Properties of the Objects in error will help? Or even every Object, including the Form Properties from the working form's Property Sheet and comparing each carefully to the new form will help you locate your change? You can do that as well as any of us, so it would be pointless for someone to do it for you. Personally I refuse to do anything for anybody who won't do it for themselves. So I won't be volunteering.

I have to admit that I fail to see how you can Tab from an Object where its TabStop is set to False.

Maybe re-look at it again tomorrow? Or make another copy of the working version and start again? After all there is a reason for everything and all you need to do is to locate it. Good luck in your endeavours.
On previous occasions, when I have noted unusual behaviour in Access, I found that restarting the computer often fixed the problem. On this occasion it took two restarts and now the problem has disappeared.
It is my habit, before posting to the forum, to examine my code and any other possible causes of a malfunction. This I did in the current situation and could find no variation between the original and copied forms apart from the names of a few of the controls and the form name itself.
Whether it is something in my computer or an inherent problem in Access 2010 I do not know but a restart has fixed weird problems in the past as it seems to have done in this instance.
This I did in the current situation and could find no variation between the original and copied forms apart from the names of a few of the controls and the form name itself.
sometimes this is a consequence of cyclical AUTOCORRECT, the most unpredictable errors due to it
Whether it is something in my computer or an inherent problem in Access 2010 I do not know but a restart has fixed weird problems in the past as it seems to have done in this instance.
I'd run the Access2010 repair from your CD, which should and usually fixes any errors in Access. Or at worst uninstall and reinstall from your CD.
If any of these controls has focus, except no6 and I click the "next" button, docmd.gotorecord,,acnext, or the "close" button, docmd.closeform, or similar docmd. commands the form scrolls to the next control until it gets to tab 6 then it will go next or exit the form.

First, clarify the meaning of "Next" button, since there can be a navigational "Next" that is part of the automatic navigational control complex that likes to sit at the bottom of the screen, but you could also have implemented a "NEXT" command button that could mean anything. I'm actually going to assume for discussion that you DIDN'T make a special command button, but I want to eliminate oddities.

That behavior for the navigational "Next" button, the "docmd.gotorecord ,,,acnext", the close button, and the docmd.CloseForm command all suggest that you have code in place that traps any of the normal means of leaving the form because you are trying to force a user to fill in all of the blanks. I have caused this to happen myself when users have failed to complete a form, and I give them the option to CANCEL the form (which would then leave it), but NOT the option to exit the uncompleted form.

Now, since the controls in question ALL say ".TabStop = No" you cannot get to those controls via tabbing - but you COULD (quite easily) get to them if some hidden "sequencer" code was trying to force you to complete a form by doing a .SetFocus to the next control in sequence. But... I am also curious as to what happens when you are on ANY of the controls and you hit the TAB key? For any number except 6, and then answer the same question for number 6 control.
Thanks for that Doc_Man. FYI. The "Next" button is simply go to next record along with "First", "Last" and "Previous". Yes I do have tags set that will highlight required data but only after a "Save" button is clicked or a predetermined control's afterupdate event triggers the save button event in which case the empty controls are coloured red.
By the way this was happening on a record where all data entry was complete and correct.
As stated, the problem corrected itself after a couple of computer restarts so I have no problem but also no answers.
OK, did the bizarre behavior start on a Wednesday? Like maybe last Wednesday? Because Tuesday night was a Microsoft Patch night.

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