Table manifest


Registered User.
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Today, 04:21
May 17, 2004

I'm trying to produce some system documentation for one of my databases, and I'm struggling to find out how I can get Access to export (or even print) basic manifest information for the tables. For example, when you open a table in Design View, I'd like to be able to bulk-export at least the basic information such as 'Field Name', 'Data Type' and 'Description'.

Tell me I don't have to work through a database of fifty-odd tables and write a manifest manually in Word, when some of the bigger tables contain 40+ fields? I'd be doing it for the next week. How could Microsoft have missed this fundamental need, or am I being thick and the facility to do it is right under my nose?

Version of Access in question is MS Office 2010.


Ranman's utility is very neat.

However there is something built into Access.
Go to Database Tools ... Database Documenter.

You can choose how much information you want to show in the report created.
@Ranman256, unfortunately I'm using this forum from work and my employer (large UK government department) blocks the download of internet-based attachments to work PCs.
@Ridders, thanks I'll have a look at that.
the database documenter is verbose with stuff i dont need. as opposed to my point and click solution.
Hi Ranman

Yes I agree. That's why I said yours was neat.
In fact I suggest you add it to the code repository unless its already there.

But there are times when the level of detail that can be provided by the documenter is invaluable
Thanks for the very swift replies.

I'm going to go ahead and mark this as solved. Unfortunately I cannot download Ranman256's tool for security reasons, but I can work with the Database Documenter, which I hadn't seen. I can see its outputs are quite verbose but exporting it and removing what I don't need should take less time than writing everything from scratch at least.

Thanks both.

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