All these rides are closed,
until they are completely under the water.
You are free to stop thinking about my option, anytime you like.
Just stay dry of it, and move a different direction, and do not worry, if you effect others, who might of been counting on you to help out as well.
Now this is just me, and I am not saying that you have to think like I do, but if there is this white cloud dream heaven, regardless how you see it playing out.
I imagine them asking me, what I did personally, to help with this communication option.
The "Yes man" was right, when he saw bad things happening to him, when he was being negative.
When you are negative in nature, you are creating a cancer, that will eat away like magnets, and metal shavings.
Friction of energy, is natural to nature, based on the laws of our DNA.
We are suppose to get better!
My topic is now in the bath stage, because we need to clean up our thoughts, and consider other options, just like their are different towels, or anything else.
I offer all of you a road trip.
a chance to make History, and we can do it all for free!
Would you just rather watch it on TV, like those National Treasure shows, or would you rather be a part of it?
I offer a new, and different type of Boston Tea party.
Nobody worries that you fall off a cliff, after you die, because they make a point not to think about it at all, as though it will go away.
The math is not in your favor, at this time, to do that anymore.
The natural way, is to read what i have to say, and see if it interacts at all, into what your afterlife back up plan is.
You might feel that it is all negative to the point, that there is nothing left.
You are free to think that way, but if you are wrong, and I am right, then my option could only be a positive for you, because you gave up your vote, on your option, and my option should be easier to accept.
Now if you want to continue to stick to your way of thinking, and not giving my option the time of day.
Is that not normal?
If your inner thoughts, are always taking you out of pain, and into pleasure, then my option is normal, and natural, regardless how I behave.
Now for the rest of you.
You could feel what i am talking about, by trying to get a feel for what i am saying.
You live in energy, and energy can not be destroyed.
You move around in the afterlife, just like hair can, in a static electricity field.
Any direction you like.
Imagine for a moment, that you are looking down at your monitor from up above you right now, and you are pressing the back of your thoughts, against a Brain Gate imagination ride.
one where you get the chance to communicate.
Imagine they have connected a brain Gate up to your head, as you rode a roller coaster.
I wonder what thoughts they would read.
Do you wear your emotions on your shoulders, or do you ever show emotions?
I have no trick up my sleeve, for my own personal gain, with this option, other than to see it through, just in case my inner thoughts are the right lottery ticket for this option.
How much will this lottery ticket cost you?
The cost of informing others about it.
I am not saying that every thought i have, is fully developed, and is the right thing, at this time, every time, but even if we could start to place the proper building blocks in place, then we can fill in the detail gaps later, because that is small stuff, and we are taught, not to sweat the small stuff!
Evey body has an opinion, on how we should think, be it plastics, or this, and that, it all takes so much time, and before long, it is gone.
Afterlife time is now!
Everyday, 48 chances are lost, to set up my free idea concept, and give people hope.
Hope for some, that there is something more.
Eternal Love!
In my observation of afterlife options, and remember, I try and look at it from worst case scenario's, like the fact, that i did not see anything in the room I was in, as a place where you would see afterlife, but just the same, i did not see any, so to expect, at this time, that you will see them in the afterlife, as very slim.
You will see humans, and maybe imagine what ever you want to comprehend, but is that right, to try and live that type of afterlife, if it does not work out for you.
How do you cope then?
How do you cope, just floating around, and around, and around, all over town?
Oh. you would like to remark, but that is not an option.
Sorry, but that is your only option, so please go back to floating around, and around, all over town.
Afterlife, is a lot like being an independent candidate. You only get about 1% of the vote.
Pretend to ignore, until it becomes a sore, because you refused to do anything about it.
If we can imagine my option, it can be done. maybe not us, but somebody else, that are going to make your day, because you opt for denial.
I am not here to scare you, but to inform you, when time permits.
Einstein never thought his formula could ever be used.
Einstein was wrong.
Albert Einstein wrote a letter and mailed it to the President of the United states, and warned of the possibilities, that his equation created.
It took close to a month, before the President responded to the letter, and we are talking Albert Einstein.
I am just happy that people like Martin believe in me.
I still am going to be tougher on me, than they could ever be.
I do not have the luxury at this time, to get soft with my option.
"Have you forgotten?"
Steve Worley, or something like that, at this time. i guess i am forgetting his name, but not his message, in his song.
I do not look for revenge, as i hope others feel the same, but to get everybody on the right page.
We have a long way to go, and this section we are stagnating in, is nothing but a stepping stone, to the much bigger picture, and never lose sight of that.
Can you feel the energy in the air, or the touch of water, in my mental experiment, as we explore the truth!
Can our inner thoughts, take us out of pain in the future?
I believe they can!
I continue to propose open ended follow through scenario's, that lean toward my option even more, while never breaking any laws of science that we know, or use, at this time.
We are training our own ghost, and learning from that, to train the masses how to do it as well.
Thomas A. Edison was into mass producing any product he imagined in his one percent of imagination, as I have done mine, a totally different way.
i have mentally played out my concept, over, and over in my thoughts, and even though you can imagine that nothing will happen during this time.
You are guessing!
I am guessing as well, but I bring all emotional baggage with mine, to help give it more value, in a shorter amount of time, with out freaking you out too much.
Big Brother, will be every Big Brother floating out there, and what information we want to hear about.
You make the laws, not me.
I just paint the open ended follow through concept trip into the future!
It is no different than imagining, that you just threw a rock through your neighbor window.
You now know, at some point, you are going to hear from your neighbors.
In this option, you would want to be careful getting to there house as quick as you can, and do what ever you can do to fix this problem, and try and make it a goal. Never to do that again.
Learn from your mistakes, even if you are just dreaming it all up to begin with.
People place to much pain, on too many things, that they can not do anything to help them self's.
I offer an option.
Money back guarantee, if for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with my back up option, when that time comes, please fill free to return it, and I will give the first complaint, the total selling price back, and that would be free!
I can not give back the time we have lost, waiting to try this option.
I have no control of that, than Albert Einstein had, of the President ever replying to his letter.
Some worry that my idea will bring some kind of mass destruction. We already have that, long before I mentioned my free idea.
My free idea can even out last a mass destruction of any kind.
Would you like to know more about that?
Just another open ended follow though thought, if you are interested.