The long list


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 06:28
Mar 30, 2012
What other Presidential candidate has had so many members of his own party endorsing the other candidate? Answer, none. The list is over 100 Republicans have endorsed Harris, and a lot them worked with him in the White House. Did the deep state secretley drug them, was hipnosis involved, is Lamont Cranstin part of the deep state? Maybe they knew him and realized that he is unfit to be the President of the most powerful, and richest country in the world. BTW, tarrifs are paid by the consumer, not by the exporting country. He still holds to that.
Did the deep state secretley drug them

I think this is a serious possibility... drugged them with the promise of power.

And it was Lamont Cranston, by the way. Of that, I'm sure beyond a Shadow of doubt.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard bring more weight and integrity than a hundred RINOs ever could.
I think this is a serious possibility... drugged them with the promise of power.

And it was Lamont Cranston, by the way. Of that, I'm sure beyond a Shadow of doubt.
Liked your response, but, I think the person who wants power is Trump, based on what he has said he wants to do if elected, like prison those that disagree with him. I just had a blood test to see if my blood was infected with immigrant blood. It was not. Hitlers Generals were not that good when compared to the American Generals. Below is a quote:

“Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them, and it would be easy because it’s Joe Biden,” he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Wednesday when pressed on whether he would use the justice system to go after his political opponents.

“It’s a terrible, terrible path that they’re leading us to, and it’s very possible that it’s going to have to happen to them,” Trump said in an interview with Newsmax on Tuesday.
No, graduated High School in 76 Vietnam was done.
The military changed things for me. I have talked to a lot of ex-military people that say the same thing. If America is a melting pot, being in the military is a melting pot on steroids. For one, we were all on the same team, regardless of our leanings. We all took the same oaath the the former President, and every vet I talked to takes that oath very seriously, particulary the part that says "do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same"

I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God. (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).
A friend and I volunteered for the tank core based in Germany right out of high school. We joined under the "buddy plan" during the physical I was rejected do to an unforseen medical condition. My friend went on to do a four year stint.
It was not. Hitlers Generals were not that good when compared to the American Generals. Below is a quote:
Well, where is the quote? Seems that you don't know history that well. Hitler was overruling his generals and even having some executed. By the time the US became fully involved in mainland Europe, we had better equipment than the Germans. Additionally we were bombing Germany into oblivion. That tends to "mask" which generals were really better.

“Look, when this election is over, based on what they’ve done, I would have every right to go after them, and it would be easy because it’s Joe Biden,” he told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Wednesday when pressed on whether he would use the justice system to go after his political opponents.
Well the Biden/Harris administration has been using lawfare against Trump. That is illegal. That gives Trump the legal right to go after them.
I just had a blood test to see if my blood was infected with immigrant blood.

I've done my genealogy. I guarantee I've got immigrant blood. Are you claiming to be Native American?

Oh, my wife is ALSO known to be of immigrant blood, just not 1st, 2nd, or 3rd generation. For my sweety, her blood is primarily French Canadian (Acadian region) and Canary Islands (Spanish). For me, it is mostly British with a smattering of northern French.

Yep... immigrant all the way. Anything wrong with blood of legal immigrants or were you just being ethnically prejudiced?
On the generals, for years the Germans ran rings around everyone. I don't believe that Hitler was much of a leader invariably ignoring his generals and their advice. In Ukraine Zelenskyy is proving to be as bad a military mind and tactician as Hitler. A disaster for his country and posturing around the World sponging money that Ukraine can never pay back. Dressed like some latter day Castro, or Che Guevara. Putin is also totally incompetent and fails to know or understand his chosen enemies. Netanyahu and his cronies are another example of political ego and military incompetence negating the army and its generals.

Mind you Churchill made some huge and disastrous blunders in his time. Montgomery was overpromoted and much overrated. Some of the others were leftovers from WWI and we all know what was said about them at the time when referring to their ability ; "Lions led by donkeys"
I suspect that some US generals had only a theoretical grasp of battle planning and foresight. The Germans and Japanese were beaten often but not always, by ability, skill and knowledge but in the main by the sheer volume of military power. Supplied in the main by the USA, without which the war would not have ended as it did.
One sobering thought though. Since WWII the USA has been involved in over twenty conflicts and invasions around the World.
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and a lot them worked with him in the White House.
And were fired but we won't talk about disgruntled employees. We ALWAYS believe them when they say bad things about Trump. WHO CARES what their opinion of Trump is. At least they didn't quit unlike Harris' employees. Who has a 92% attrition rate? You have to have a pretty horrible boss to give up a job at the White House. Trump's accusers didn't do that. At least Harris' employees were honest. When you hate your boss, you quit. You don't hang out snooping on him and leaking to the press and then writing tell all books. So, will you believe the honest people who quit on Harris or the scumbags who are lying about Trump because he fired them?
A friend and I volunteered for the tank core based in Germany right out of high school. We joined under the "buddy plan" during the physical I was rejected do to an unforseen medical condition. My friend went on to do a four year stint.
I joined after 3 years in college, I was getting decent grades but I really wasn't into it. I loved planes so I joined the Air Force, and ended being a weatherman because of all the physics classes I took in school. I wanted to be a pilot, but that was not to be. Instead I flew a lot of weather recon on any plane that was going to an area of concern. Since I knew how to fly light planes, at the end of my tour, they tried like hell to keep me in, and one of the offers was to promote me to a warrent officer and become a forward area controller in Viet Nam, flying light planes in a combat zone and calling in air strikes. Needless to say I turned that down.
Did the deep state secretley drug them, was hipnosis involved, is Lamont Cranstin part of the deep state?

Probably none of those 2 things, assuming I can make the assumptions to correct the spelling issues that I have mentally.
Probably because Trump upsets politics-as-usual (a corrupt and dirty business) and that threatens almost everyone
@jpl458 Do you ever notice the squiggly lines pointing out your spelling errors?
and that threatens almost everyone
I wouldn't say that. He does however threaten the power hungry because they cannot control him. That is why Trump is hated equally by RINOs and Democrats. He is not threatening at all to those who believe he is right about the corrupt deep state that is controlling our lives.
He is not threatening at all to those who believe he is right about the corrupt deep state that is controlling our lives.
233 mental health professionals disagree. most people only get a 2nd opinion.

Oh good a mental health analysis from a group called psychopac, I'm sure they are legit 😁
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233 mental health professionals disagree. most people only get a 2nd opinion.

The Democrats keep pulling this (lie) X thousand professionals assert that Trump is a menace. This are pure fabrication for political leverage, especially if one observes, that it seems none of these people, including Harris, even noticed Biden extensive loss of cognitive abilities and never spoke-up. When is the US intelligence community and Stahl going to apologize to Trump for their lying. The Democrats have "cried wolf" once to often. They can't be believed.

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