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Today, 14:29
Mar 8, 2014
I am about 4 years into Access and love it. I am not extremely smart, but enjoy making this stuff. So why have I stopped lurking and signed on? Well to hopefully learn more. I have spent 2 weeks trying to figure this out to no avail. I put together a check in check out database. I think it is a pretty good setup but I can't pull the one value out of the query that I need.
It is the last entry F-03. It is the only piece of equipment that was not checked in. Even a clue would be great.
TransDate CrewName EquipStatic BarCodeN DateIn DateOut
2/10/14 Joe Out F-01 2/1/14
2/10/14 Joe In F-01 2/10/14
2/10/14 Joe Out F-02 2/1/14
2/10/14 Joe In F-02 2/10/14
2/10/14 Joe Out F-03 2/1/14

One last thing. A CrewName might check out 40 or 50+ pieces at once.
So When do Parameter by date range i need to know what is still out.
All the best
Last edited:
Top of the morning
I had a thought about a new column in the query stringing the BarcodeNum and CheckInDate together, and anouther new column combining the BarcodeNum and CheckOutDate together. The I can make a query from the two new fields. Here's to hoping!
That's not what your data says. It says nothing has been checked out. In the data you posted you have a DateIn field that is populated for everything and a DateOut field that is not populated for anything.

It seems you already have this configured correctly, you just aren't using it like you planned. Why do you have a DateOut field that is all blank? Why not use it to determine what is In/Out?
Hi plog,
When I first wrote the post the 3 records with the date 2/1/14 were all shifted to the right under the Date out record column but shifted over to the left when I posted it.
What I can't figure out is the criterion in a query to recall only the transactions with a DateOut and no DateIn. In this example it would be the last entry F-03.
Any thoughts will be very much appreciated
Repost your data using commas as delimiters not spaces:

Field1Name, Field2Name, Field3Name,...
Larry, 14, 3/8/2007
Steve, , 4/1/2010
Don, 38,
Marvin, 19, 12/30/3008
Field1[TransDate], Field2[CrewName], Field3[EquipStatic], Field4[BarCodeN], Field5[DateIn], Field6[DateOut],
2/10/14, Joe, Out, F-01, Is Null, 2/1/14,
2/10/14, Joe, In, F-01, 2/10/14, Is Null,
2/10/14, Joe, Out, F-02, Is Null, 2/1/14,
2/10/14, Joe, In, F-02, 2/10/14, Is Null,
2/10/14, Joe, Out, F-03, Is Null, 2/1/14,
Thanks for the that..It makes a bit me sence. I am trying to pull all BarCodeN that have not been checked in between a date range in a parameter query.
In your initial post you said that only the last line should be returned. But your data says otherwise. The 1st, 3rd and 5th records all do not have [DateIn] values, thus all of those would be returned in your query.

I honestly don't think you are using your table properly. You are going to reply that the 2nd record corresponds to the 1st and the 4th record corresponds to the 3rd, thus cancelling them out. But that's not how this should work. If the 1st record was checked in, it should have a value in its DateIn field and there should not be a 2nd record.

Why isn't it being done that way?
your correct i know the second record is a problem but it is created because i have a Check in form and a check out form. do you have any thoughts how i could have the checkin date populated on the same record?
I origanly thought i could make a querey to get it somehow by using the BarcodeN. HOw about an onclose event of the Check In form it populates the cekIn date of the origanal record?
I don't know exactly what your checkin form looks like, but it should only show items that have been checked out. The user navigates to the appropriate one and enters the check in date.
That would be awesome but we have 20 different crews and 4000 pieces that are rotating. You got me thinking in the right direction though!
Thank you for the help.

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