Thread disappeared - no notice 2

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BTW - I'm still waiting for a reply Bob. I haven't forgotten you.

Perhaps tonight will be the night for you to have the courage to reply? Or will you remain worryingly silent.

BTW - I'm still waiting for a reply Bob. I haven't forgotten you.

Perhaps tonight will be the night for you to have the courage to reply? Or will you remain worryingly silent.

Colin, I think the problem is that Bob hasn't forgotten you. I think it's time for you to move on and accept you aren't going to get a reply. Life's too short to worry about these things
Colin, I think the problem is that Bob hasn't forgotten you. I think it's time for you to move on and accept you aren't going to get a reply. Life's too short to worry about these things

Nice enough place to sit and chat though.
Personally, I don't think whatever answer Bob would give other than an apology would be acceptable to Colin and I do understand that. However, apologies all around and a fresh slate wouldn't be the worst thing in the world either.
Personally, I don't think whatever answer Bob would give other than an apology would be acceptable to Colin and I do understand that.

It would be a start just to get some response from Bobby. He seems to have gone totally blinkered as far as the 'cooler is concerned.

If he was as good and godlike as some American disciples here make out he is, he would at least PM me and offer some explanation for his remark.

So far though he seems to be displaying typical American strategy - stir things up then pull out and leave confusion. Maybe BobbyBabe should be a polititian.

Nice enough place to sit and chat though.
Personally, I don't think whatever answer Bob would give other than an apology would be acceptable to Colin and I do understand that.

Why would that be acceptable to him? He'd have no reason to bait and namecall then would he?

If you can't see that Colin is deliberately stirring the pot with this thread for his own entertainment then I'm afraid the joke is as much on you as it is on Bob as it is on anyone who believes Colin's faux chagrin. Bob has just wisened up and doesn't want to be the butt of the joke anymore.

I'd like to know why someone who types such dribble as:

It would be a start just to get some response from Bobby. He seems to have gone totally blinkered as far as the 'cooler is concerned.

If he was as good and godlike as some American disciples here make out he is, he would at least PM me and offer some explanation for his remark.

So far though he seems to be displaying typical American strategy - stir things up then pull out and leave confusion. Maybe BobbyBabe should be a polititian.

deserves to be treated seriously. The real shame is that sincere people like yourself don't see the deliberate farce that this really is and so become part of the joke. Bob is simply not biting anymore, I suggest you do the same.
Bob is simply not biting anymore,
No he's taken to insult another member of the forum on the main boards instead, kind of funny how his hand picked team have ignored the reported item in question eh:rolleyes:
If you can't see that Colin is deliberately stirring the pot with this thread for his own entertainment . . . . .

I'm merely killing time waiting for a response to a perfectly normal question.

Still, it's nice that you keep the thread going Daniella - it saves me bumping it every night in the hope that Bob will deem to lower himself to communicate with mere mortals.

As I said, if Bob would respond, we can wrap this up and put it to bed.

I have a slight case of that myself. Some things, I just can't let go..... Like my drinking glasses in the cabinet... they must all be grouped together in rows. Tall round ones in one line, short round ones in another, tall square blue ones in another.... I can't stand it when they are in random places. My husband says, "They are in the cabinet! They are put away! Why does it matter what kind of order they are in?" I'm NOT a neat freak! Don't let me mislead you. Just CERTAIN things must follow a certain order.

The other Access programmer in here is OCD. We have 8 monitors in a U-shaped work area. Right before he walks in the door, I usually knock each one off kilter just a bit, so they aren't straight with the world. It usually takes him 45 minutes to get them back to his liking...:D
The other Access programmer in here is OCD. We have 8 monitors in a U-shaped work area. Right before he walks in the door, I usually knock each one off kilter just a bit, so they aren't straight with the world. It usually takes him 45 minutes to get them back to his liking...:D

LOL, that sounds like a fun game! I can watch them for hours. I used to change the order of my mothers washing to watch her go change it back, it seems socks don't dry as well if they are separated and t-shirts must all be colour co-ordinated or they would just never dry properly. The Scottish weather had nothing to do with it :p
No he's taken to insult another member of the forum on the main boards instead, kind of funny how his hand picked team have ignored the reported item in question eh:rolleyes:

You successfully duped him into making a complete numpty of himself and Colin is busy looking for seconds. Why don't you be gracious and allow him a little payback?
and Colin is busy looking for seconds. Why don't you be gracious and allow him a little payback?

I don't follow that at all. Can you try explaining what you mean?

'Looking for seconds'? What is that?

The real shame is that sincere people like yourself don't see the deliberate farce that this really is and so become part of the joke. Bob is simply not biting anymore, I suggest you do the same.


Did you write that Dan? ;)

Did you write that Dan? ;)

The deadly duo have been teasing since I can remember. I don't mind anymore, I guess and I'm sure there is alot going on behind the scenes in PM's.

Just as long as bystanders understand that threads like these are simply a ruse.

Ever read Twelfth Night where Malvolio is teased to the point of cruelty? Same kind of thing going on here. It's all in the name of fun but there are casualties.
The deadly duo have been teasing since I can remember. I don't mind anymore, I guess and I'm sure there is alot going on behind the scenes in PM's.

Just as long as bystanders understand that threads like these are simply a ruse.

Ever read Twelfth Night where Malvolio is teased to the point of cruelty? Same kind of thing going on here. It's all in the name of fun but there are casualties.
I'll ask you again, what dupe did I pull that forced the former power hungry mod to delete my posts etc and then reappear as if nothing happened and carry on insulting members who dare to disagree with him?
I'll ask you again, what dupe did I pull that forced the former power hungry mod to delete my posts etc and then reappear as if nothing happened and carry on insulting members who dare to disagree with him?

I don't remember saying you forced anybody to do anything just coaxing susceptible people into making fools of themselves. I've fallen for it loads of times and don't really mind although I didn't have the same reaction to it as the 'mod'.
I don't remember saying you forced anybody to do anything just coaxing susceptible people into making fools of themselves. I've fallen for it loads of times and don't really mind although I didn't have the same reaction to it as the 'mod'.
Come on, look at the reasons given at the time, a friendship with an American sounds more like jealousy than suceptibility
The deadly duo have been teasing since I can remember. I don't mind anymore, I guess and I'm sure there is alot going on behind the scenes in PM's.

For someone who doesn't mind anymore - you sure do bang on about it alot. Almost as if you're paranoid about it - whatever 'it' is. You seem to think there is some hidden agenda - I have no idea what you keep banging on about and care even less.

If you mean PM's between Rich and I, then you are wrong, I haven't PM'd Rich for weeks and he has not PM'd me.

As I have said many times, I am asking an innocent question of Bob, nothing more. If he had the guts to answer then the whole thread can be wrapped up, however I do feel this will drag on for months yet - all of Bob's making, not mine.

There will be a small respite in a couple of weeks when I'm in Spain however.

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