To what use shall I put this fiver?

Why not donate it to the fund for the Cumbria Flood Victims

I was in Grasmere a few weeks ago - and they served me a childs frozen pizza pretending to be an adult meal for 7.50.

So they have at least a fiver - surplus already, which should have been put in their rainy day funds.

Though the gingerbread was nice.
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Why? Their insurance will repay them any losses.

Not all of them were able to get insurance because of previous floods. This also made it hard for them to sell their properties.
Send it to me. I probably can't spend it over here, but it would look nice pinned to my wall, next to my photos of Rich, Col, and the rest...:D
Why not buy yourself a nice drink with it.
Drop it on the floor again - and let someone who knows what to do with a fiver - deal with the problem when they pick it up.
Buy a kiddies toy and give it to your local charity

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