Turley, Confirming the Legitimacy of the Votes Cast is NOT 'Delegitimizing Democracy' (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:45
Jul 5, 2006
This morning, Jonathan Turley gave an excellent interview on Fox News in response to growing chorus of unethical claims by Democrats and the complicit news media that verifying the legitimacy of the ballots cast is 'delegitimizing democracy'. Since this morning; Fox News has now published an abbreviated article of this interview: Turley on Obama's '60 Minutes' comments: Confirming vote counts is not 'delegitimizing democracy'. There are a couple of quick take-aways from this interview.
  • The Democrats and the complicit media have been trying to delegitimize Trump for four years.
  • Obama (as a prior President) has joined this this premature rush to judgement by the Democratic Party, when verifying the vote is necessary to legitimize the outcome.
  • Hillary Clinton exclaimed to Biden, that if he were losing not to concede. Trump should have that entitlement too.
  • In asking Obama note the blatant anti-Trump bias by the interviewer where he starts off with "What are these false claims ..."
  • Below is a video clip from the first debate, were Biden promised to wait for the official results before declaring victory.


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:45
Feb 19, 2002
Looks like Biden just declared himself president and the Chinese concur. So, that's all that matters. China has their man and if they say he is the president, I guess he is. The Democrats are going to delay, obstruct, destroy evidence until they win.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:45
Feb 19, 2002
It would serve the Feckless Republicans right if Trump just walked away and started Trump news. He can take out the deep state that way. I would be happy to have Trump make that his life's work as long as the election was stolen from him.

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