Type mismatch (3 Viewers)


Local time
Today, 17:21
Jan 22, 2022
Hi everyone
I'm getting a run-time error 13 Type mismatch on line 60 of my vba code.
I'm very confused and not sure what is causing the error.
Any help will be highly appreciated.

Private Sub Form_Load()
ContactList.RowSource = ""
    Dim SearchSQL As String
    SearchSQL = "SELECT tblContacts.ContactID, tblContacts.FirstName, tblContacts.Email, tblContacts.Followup " & _
        "From tblContacts " & _
        "WHERE (((tblContacts.FollowUp) = True)) " & _
        "ORDER BY tblContacts.FirstName;"

        ContactList.RowSource = SearchSQL
End Sub

Private Sub SendTheEmailSMTP_Click()

          Dim MResponse As Integer
          Dim msgBody As String
          Dim strSQL As String
          Dim Contact As String
          Dim ContactID As Long
          Dim db As Database
          Dim i As Long
          Dim strSubject As String
          Dim msgTo As String
          Dim msgFrom As String
          Dim msgReplyTo As String
          Dim msgSubject As String
10         If Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.ItemsSelected.Count < 1 Then
20            Exit Sub
30        End If
40        For i = 0 To Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.ListCount - 1
50        Contact = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(1, i)
60        ContactID = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(0, i)
70        msgFrom = "houseofpaws@redrobiena.com.au"
80        msgTo = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(2, i)
90        msgReplyTo = "houseofpaws@redrobiena.com.au"
100       msgBody = "Dear " & Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(1, i) & "<br><br>" _
Dim ContactID As Long
ContactID = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(0, i)

You are trying to assign ContactID, which is a Long, another variable's value. That variable is not a Long, nor one that converts to a long. You can find out what type it is by using the VarType function.
Dim ContactID As Long
ContactID = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(0, i)

You are trying to assign ContactID, which is a Long, another variable's value. That variable is not a Long, nor one that converts to a long. You can find out what type it is by using the VarType function.
Thank you for your quick reply. Can you give me an example how to test it, please?
Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(0, i)

I'm just guessing here, but I'm thinking that a contact list's 0th column is going to be text, like perhaps a name? ContactID is clearly DIM'd as LONG. Text names don't map well to LONG integers. Unless that contact list is based on a table that has a PK in its first column, that would be your type mismatch. According to this article,

A VarType of 0 means "uninitialized" - which because of the type mismatch in that context, makes sense. A DIM statement doesn't usually set a value in a variable - though if it is a CONST statement, it might do so. You don't have a CONST in that context so that means you have allocated space for ContactID but have not yet put anything it - because of the run-time error.
I'm just guessing here, but I'm thinking that a contact list's 0th column is going to be text, like perhaps a name? ContactID is clearly DIM'd as LONG. Text names don't map well to LONG integers. Unless that contact list is based on a table that has a PK in its first column, that would be your type mismatch. According to this article,

A VarType of 0 means "uninitialized" - which because of the type mismatch in that context, makes sense. A DIM statement doesn't usually set a value in a variable - though if it is a CONST statement, it might do so. You don't have a CONST in that context so that means you have allocated space for ContactID but have not yet put anything it - because of the run-time error.
Column 0 in my listbox is ContactID which is LONG. I'm using the exact structure on a different form without an issue.
I removed the ContactID line using the debugger and it returns the fieldname, which is FirstName, in line 50 instead of the value. The same with line 80, which is EmailAddress, instead of the actual value. That's what's happening with the ContactID as well, which then returns a run-time error.
The Contact and EmailAddress fields are in Columns 1 and 2 of the listbox.
Do I miss something after it enters the loop (Row 40) ?
When this error occurs, if you are set up to break on errors, it should stop and highlight the offending line. At that time, if you hover the mouse over each variable you will see the current value of that variable. I would be interested to know what value is in "i" when that error occurs.
When this error occurs, if you are set up to break on errors, it should stop and highlight the offending line. At that time, if you hover the mouse over each variable you will see the current value of that variable. I would be interested to know what value is in "i" when that error occurs.
"i" = 0, which tells me that it doesn't see the highlighted record in the listbox
I would never rely on data previously loaded into ListBox columns to perform an operation that matters. A ListBox is for selection in the UI. The format of the data it contains, if it contains anything, will all be strings. This is prone to error, as you are finding, and subject to change without notice or type-checking.

If you know the ID of the row, which selection in the List yields, then use that to open a Recordset that returns the exact data you need. Then use the Recordset, its named Fields collection, and its strongly-typed field data, to perform your operation that matters.

Both the index and row number are 0-based, so at least you are looking for something that is inside the table's range. If you wanted to see which record was selected, use the combo box's .ListIndex property.

Both the index and row number are 0-based, so at least you are looking for something that is inside the table's range. If you wanted to see which record was selected, use the combo box's .ListIndex property.

So what you suggest is I should use a combo box instead of a list box. I want to be able to select multiple records which I understand can only be done with a list box.
What do you suggest as an alternative?
remove your For..Next Loop and replace it with this code:
Private Sub SendTheEmailSMTP_Click()

          Dim MResponse As Integer
          Dim msgBody As String
          Dim strSQL As String
          Dim Contact As String
          Dim ContactID As Long
          Dim db As Database
          Dim i As Long
          Dim strSubject As String
          Dim msgTo As String
          Dim msgFrom As String
          Dim msgReplyTo As String
          Dim msgSubject As String
10         If Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.ItemsSelected.Count < 1 Then
20            Exit Sub
30        End If
40        i = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.ListIndex
50        Contact = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(1, i)
60        ContactID = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(0, i)
70        msgFrom = "houseofpaws@redrobiena.com.au"
80        msgTo = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(2, i)
90        msgReplyTo = "houseofpaws@redrobiena.com.au"
100       msgBody = "Dear " & Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(1, i) & "<br><br>" _
if your listbox is Multi-select listbox:
Private Sub SendTheEmailSMTP_Click()

          Dim MResponse As Integer
          Dim msgBody As String
          Dim strSQL As String
          Dim Contact As String
          Dim ContactID As Long
          Dim db As Database
          Dim i As Long
          Dim strSubject As String
          Dim msgTo As String
          Dim msgFrom As String
          Dim msgReplyTo As String
          Dim msgSubject As String
10         If Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.ItemsSelected.Count < 1 Then
20            Exit Sub
30        End If
          Dim var
          For Each var In Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.ItemsSelected
50        Contact = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(1, var)
60        ContactID = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(0, var)
70        msgFrom = "houseofpaws@redrobiena.com.au"
80        msgTo = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(2, var)
90        msgReplyTo = "houseofpaws@redrobiena.com.au"
100       msgBody = "Dear " & Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(1, var) & "<br><br>" _
remove your For..Next Loop and replace it with this code:
Private Sub SendTheEmailSMTP_Click()

          Dim MResponse As Integer
          Dim msgBody As String
          Dim strSQL As String
          Dim Contact As String
          Dim ContactID As Long
          Dim db As Database
          Dim i As Long
          Dim strSubject As String
          Dim msgTo As String
          Dim msgFrom As String
          Dim msgReplyTo As String
          Dim msgSubject As String
10         If Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.ItemsSelected.Count < 1 Then
20            Exit Sub
30        End If
40        i = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.ListIndex
50        Contact = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(1, i)
60        ContactID = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(0, i)
70        msgFrom = "houseofpaws@redrobiena.com.au"
80        msgTo = Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(2, i)
90        msgReplyTo = "houseofpaws@redrobiena.com.au"
100       msgBody = "Dear " & Forms!frmContactEmails!ContactList.Column(1, i) & "<br><br>" _
Thank you for your reply, ArnelGP. I get the same error without the For...Next Loop. I also want to be able to send the email to multiple clients.
Thank you for your reply, ArnelGP. I get the same error without the For...Next Loop. I also want to be able to send the email to multiple clients.
Sorry, I did not see your last reply. I'll try that out now!

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