unable to open previously saved form


New member
Local time
Today, 04:39
Feb 6, 2025
Hi guys, fairly new to access but picked up the basics already. i have a database with project events charted within. when a user clicks onto the ID number, it opens up a form with 5 tabs included within that hold different forms to complete.
my database will "add new" no problem, and the user can also open the forms in relation to the event no problem. however, i am trying to figure out if you would be able to open the forms linked to a certain event and have them completed from previous entries. Each time i complete a form and save it, it populates the data table but then blanks out the form. hope this makes sense.
in essence i want my guys in the office to fill out the brief outline of the event within the database, then click ID for them to open the form to complete. then when i review the database at a later date, i can open select the event i wish to work on, click ID and have a completed form in front of me, not a datasheet view.

Event number is clicked after brief entries are completed on table


This form is then completed and saved. the entries populate the datasheet.

but then when going back to database opening sheet and clicking on event number, i now open a blank form. can i open a previously completed a saved form, instead of a datasheet?
Do your have the Form property DataEntry set to Yes?
That property only allows you to ADD new records. :(
Worst named property in Access. Set it to No.
Either add a button to add a new record, or use the navigation options, which I always had my users use?

Thank you GASMAN, this works for the first entry but not for the next entries. i will play around with everything and see where i get. thank you so far
In Access, each form takes data from tables or queries (data from 2 or more tables). It is clear that with the forms we pass the data to the tables where it is stored for later processing or viewing. If the form in which you pass the data shows blank it may mean that you have not set the table(s) correctly.
When you click on the ID check which form you are opening, and if it is in the format you want. If you have the form default to be displayed as Datasheet, change it to another format such as Single, Continuous forms, Split form depending on how you want the data to be displayed either for viewing or editing.
Finally, if you want it to open on a specific record when you click on the event number you should set the event to open the form with a filter.
You can do this with a macro or with vba code!
Private Sub ID_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "NameOfTheFormYouWantToOpen", acNormal, , "[ID]=" & [TheID] '[ID] of the form you will open [TheID] of the currentform
End Sub
i am trying to figure out if you would be able to open the forms linked to a certain event and have them completed from previous entries
This question sounds like your tables are not properly normalized. If all the child records have the same data values in a number of fields, then those fields probably belong in the parent table and not in the child table OR you need to create an intermediate table to hold the common fields.
@Morpheas Welcome. You're very new here so I'm going to give you a forum hint. The Experts don't post answers to get "likes". We're not children. When you "like" a post but don't use your words, no one has any idea if the comment helped you or solved your problem or you are just trying to be nice . It is always better if something helped you to actually say that. Forums like this are all about identifying actual answers. That makes the Q&A significantly more useful going forward. If someone happens on this thread after a search, it would be nice to know which, if any, comments solved the problem. You should also mark the question solved if in fact that is what I did.

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