Solved unchecked Displays a confirmation message by XML

@Sarah.M - reckon you must be becoming our resident macro expert since so few here use them - based on forum stats less than 7% of 'coding' questions relate to macros. Although that might be a reflection of ease of use for 90% of requirements.:)

I wouldn't be surprised if not seeing macro issues is just because we don't use them.
If you "grew up" without using macros, it's not really a technique you think of, really.

The same with, say, tempvars. When you didn't have them, you needed to make sure your code was robust to protect you from unhandled errors that would reset your code. Maybe it's better to know there has been a catastrophic error in the code then have this hidden because the tempvars aren't affected, and carry on without being aware of problems.

@Sarah.M Do you ever miss not having code available in Excel? Is there anything you are ever not able to do as a result? What about Word? Would not having code prevent you doing a mail merge, for instance?
I wouldn't be surprised if not seeing macro issues is just because we don't use them.
If you "grew up" without using macros, it's not really a technique you think of, really.

The same with, say, tempvars. When you didn't have them, you needed to make sure your code was robust to protect you from unhandled errors that would reset your code. Maybe it's better to know there has been a catastrophic error in the code then have this hidden because the tempvars aren't affected, and carry on without being aware of problems.

@Sarah.M Do you ever miss not having code available in Excel? Is there anything you are ever not able to do as a result? What about Word? Would not having code prevent you doing a mail merge, for instance?
Codes doesn't work for Security reasons
Office modified version by IT blocking vba
I wouldn't be surprised if not seeing macro issues is just because we don't use them.
There are supposedly millions of access users out there - although I'm not sure how many of those are defined as such simply because it came with the Office package and they don't actually use it. Of those millions, perhaps 1/2 million can be seen on forums. And of those perhaps a couple of thousand are what I would call 'regular responders'. I've no basis for these numbers other than as an 'observational guesstimate'. So how many of the millions are quite happily using macros to a greater or lesser extent and content with the level of functionality that can be achieved? How many people use Word and only use perhaps 20% of the functionality, same for Excel?

If you "grew up" without using macros, it's not really a technique you think of, really.
agree - but I would also say macro's are the route to lo-code, no-code which stifles originality and prevents stretching boundaries. How many times do we see comments along the lines of 'don't use macros, too limiting'. I'm sure there will come a time in the not to distant future when macro's will be replaced with AI and users simply describe what they want and hey presto, it's done. The skill then (as now) will be to be able to accurately describe the requirement
I'm still wondering how Sarah's IT department are blocking VBA in Access.
Are all databases ACCDE files or has the suffix been changed to ACCDE?
Or does Sarah have a Runtime version?
I'm still wondering how Sarah's IT department are blocking VBA in Access.
Are all databases ACCDE files or has the suffix been changed to ACCDE?
Or does Sarah have a Runtime version?
My guess is it's done via a Group Policy. No idea what's in that group policy though.
I'm still wondering how Sarah's IT department are blocking VBA in Access.
Are all databases ACCDE files or has the suffix been changed to ACCDE?
Or does Sarah have a Runtime version?
It turns out there is a Windows Group Policy that can do this. Per Ben C., Anders, and Crystal L. just a few minutes ago.

I was able to find an article about Word explaining it for Word. It would, apparently be the same for Access etc.

It also turns out that this impacts Access macros as well. Only the "base" macros can run. Those marked with the yellow warning triangle in the macro editor, are also disabled, so the OP is left with things like opening and closing forms.


This was my new thing to learn today.
I've just read those three replies but I didn't see any specific details regarding a group policy regarding VBA
I was aware that macro actions can be split into 'safe' items (always available) and 'potentially unsafe' items which are blocked...but I thought this was related to macros only.
Can you PM me with a link?
I've just read those three replies but I didn't see any specific details regarding a group policy regarding VBA
I was aware that macro actions can be split into 'safe' items (always available) and 'potentially unsafe' items which are blocked...but I thought this was related to macros only.
Can you PM me with a link?
I think IT before installing MS Office they choose advanced installing and then disable vba
Have you checked your Access version? Is it Runtime?
Have you checked whether your files are ACCDE?

What do you see when you open the Visual Basic Editor and click on a form or report? Do you get a message like this?

It turns out there is a Windows Group Policy that can do this. Per Ben C., Anders, and Crystal L. just a few minutes ago.

I was able to find an article about Word explaining it for Word. It would, apparently be the same for Access etc.

It also turns out that this impacts Access macros as well. Only the "base" macros can run. Those marked with the yellow warning triangle in the macro editor, are also disabled, so the OP is left with things like opening and closing forms.

View attachment 98731
This was my new thing to learn today.
By the way, this is about the most draconic situation I've ever encountered, and it really hampers any serious use of Access. Perhaps that's the real goal.
I've just read those three replies but I didn't see any specific details regarding a group policy regarding VBA
I was aware that macro actions can be split into 'safe' items (always available) and 'potentially unsafe' items which are blocked...but I thought this was related to macros only.
Can you PM me with a link?
The link itself is public. Some of the screen shots imply there are different configurations for each application.
Does that group policy do anything more than this (taken from Access Options Trust Center)

Has anyone checked whether disabling VBA is an option when installing Office?
Thanks but still not sure what the first line of post #32 means ... and please check whether you are using Access Runtime
You are welcome
First line mean If I click code does not run nothing happened
Does that group policy do anything more than this (taken from Access Options Trust Center)
View attachment 98733

Has anyone checked whether disabling VBA is an option when installing Office?
Mine is Disabled all macros without notification.
Also Fields are disabled and cannot be clicked to change it to enable
Setting macros to Disable all macros without notification has absolutely no effect on VBA code. VBA code still runs

Try entering this in the VBE Immediate window and press enter

What happens?

Also whilst in the VBE, go to Tools ...References. Do you see Visual Basic for Applications ticked?


Next go to Access Options ...Message Bar. Please post a screenshot of what you see
Setting macros to Disable all macros without notification has absolutely no effect on VBA code. VBA code still runs

Try entering this in the VBE Immediate window and press enter

What happens?

Also whilst in the VBE, go to Tools ...References. Do you see Visual Basic for Applications ticked?

View attachment 98736

Next go to Access Options ...Message Bar. Please post a screenshot of what you see
VBA is Checked, I put the code VBa Immediate window I press enter, nothing happed no messages or results Environ("UserName")

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