Uncles Favourite Podcasts & Videos

I was lead to this guy by comments made by Angelo Dilullo ...

It's a fascinating YouTube on how to meditate, and actually calm your thoughts:-

This mime artist is fantastic! It's amazing what the "Fool Character" can get away with!

Amealco P2 , Karcocha 🇲🇽 2022​

How does Gravity escape a black hole?

I could follow it until about half way through!
This is wierdly Good & Bad at the same time! Watch at your peril!

Did you know Dr Edward de Bono was a belly dancer?

Elon Musk scared the be Jesus out of this reporter ....

I lost the link :(]
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Sci-Fi Short Film: "FEMPIRE" | DUST​

This "Dust" series YouTube video is fantastic!

Don't be such a scrotum, instead of don't be such a "C"

WW3 - and the "Ovolution"

There's a man grooming School!

There's a "ball bath" and yes, it's what you think it is!

They've got a "Spider Woman"

Amazing! the Guy is actually listening to the woman!

It only gets better, pills to prevent ejaculation!

Real house husbands!
Video Removed by Owner
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