so i am looking for a quicker way to update some excel workbooks. I have the data in pivots and use the following to bring the data into the workbook required, each year i have to update each cell to bring in the new years results it takes hours to do and its mind numbing too
=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Appointments",'Booked Pivot'!$A$5,"Appointments","SETTA","WeekNo",1723),"0")
=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Appointments",'Booked Pivot'!$A$5,"Appointments","SETTA","WeekNo",1724),"0")
week numbers are always the same 1 - 52 but need to change the year which is the highlighted number in black. any ideas on how to change in bulk? Please
=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Appointments",'Booked Pivot'!$A$5,"Appointments","SETTA","WeekNo",1723),"0")
=IFERROR(GETPIVOTDATA("Appointments",'Booked Pivot'!$A$5,"Appointments","SETTA","WeekNo",1724),"0")
week numbers are always the same 1 - 52 but need to change the year which is the highlighted number in black. any ideas on how to change in bulk? Please