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I have a very effective piece of code which I've used in other systems successfully to update the front end to the latest version. I am finding that it will run the code to the point where it creates the batch file but its not actually running the batch file to delete the old file and replace with new version. Only if I manually run it will it work. Any ideas what I can change here?
(I was thinking of performing a check when the database is loading to find the batch file and run it but I don't think it will work because it opens the DB in a state that requires repair)
I have a very effective piece of code which I've used in other systems successfully to update the front end to the latest version. I am finding that it will run the code to the point where it creates the batch file but its not actually running the batch file to delete the old file and replace with new version. Only if I manually run it will it work. Any ideas what I can change here?
(I was thinking of performing a check when the database is loading to find the batch file and run it but I don't think it will work because it opens the DB in a state that requires repair)
Option Compare Database
' global variable for path to original database location
Public g_strFilePath As String
' global variable for path to database to copy from
Public g_strCopyLocation As String
Public Sub UpdateFrontEnd()
Dim strCmdBatch As String
Dim notNotebook As Object
Dim FSys As Object
Dim TestFile As String
Dim strKillFile As String
Dim strReplFile As String
Dim strRestart As String
' sets the file name and location for the file to delete
strKillFile = g_strFilePath
' sets the file name and location for the file to copy
strReplFile = g_strCopyLocation & "\" & CurrentProject.Name
' sets the file name of the batch file to create
TestFile = CurrentProject.Path & "\UpdateDbFE.cmd"
' sets the restart file name
strRestart = """" & strKillFile & """"
' creates the batch file
Open TestFile For Output As #1
Print #1, "Echo Off"
Print #1, "ECHO Deleting old file"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "ping -n 1 -w 2000"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "Del """ & strKillFile & """"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "ECHO Copying new file"
Print #1, "Copy /Y """ & strReplFile & """ """ & strKillFile & """"
Print #1, ""
Print #1, "START /I " & """MSAccess.exe"" " & strRestart
Close #1
'Exit Sub
' runs the batch file
Shell TestFile
'closes the current version and runs the batch file
End Sub