Update or Merge Data into Table


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Yesterday, 18:08
Jan 15, 2012
Could use a quick response on this one ...

I have an Employee Records table with 29k records that I originally imported from an HRIS system. Lets call this table ORIGINAL table.

Each week I export a new Employee Records table from the HRIS system as it contains the latest updated information. IE - New hires, terminations, rate changes, etc. Lets call this table NEW table. It likely contains new records as well as we hire 100+ people per week.

In the ORIGINAL table, I have added fields that are not included in the NEW table. I need to update the records / fields in the ORIGINAL table with the NEW table, but need to keep the ADDED fields.

Originally my plan was just to overwrite the ORIGINAL table with the NEW table until I added the additional fields to the ORIGINAL table.

Any ideas, thoughts, workarounds?

I thought that I could export the added fields in the ORIGINAL table, import the NEW table, and run and update query based on the EE ID#.
Keep the ADDED data in a seperate table. So, now you have 2 tables--ADDED and ORIGINAL, and whenever you get new ORIGINAL data, just blow out that table and use the new one. Just make sure that ADDED contains whatever ID you need to link it to ORIGINAL.
Plog, he's changed the structure of the ORIGINAL table by adding fields and no doubt entering data in those fields.

Andrew, you will need to run an update query so that all the common fields in ORIGINAL table will be updated with the field contents in the NEW table, without affecting the data in the extra fields in the ORIGINAL table.

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