Humanipro application

Much more complicated is limiting different users ability to do certain task within a form, (eg delete records). as every form will need manual coding to test the function and the user.
Take a look at my simple security. That's the point of the add/change/delete/view options. Each relevant event calls security as the first line of code in one of the four relevant events and either allows the event to proceed or cancels it.
Take a look at my simple security. That's the point of the add/change/delete/view options. Each relevant event calls security as the first line of code in one of the four relevant events and either allows the event to proceed or cancels it.

Yes, but doesn't that mean you have to modify inside the form to call the appropriate function and determine what privileges are needed to execute the event? It's easy if the atomic event is "the form". It's much harder if each form contains multiple decision points. Don't you also need to explain to users how to manipulate the settings to authorise the users.

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