Update Query


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Yesterday, 18:03
Aug 24, 2017
I have an update query amending information, from tblver to tbltan in the query I want to add something but am not sure if it will work, or if i have the right code.

The field i want to update = CRcode
This sits in table = tbltan

I am updating other fields with the new information coming from = tblyer

Field = CRcode
Table = tbltan
Update to = IIf([tblver].[Rcode] Not "08","",[tbltan].[CRcode]="7")

So i want it so for the records from tblver that we are updating if the field Rcode is anything other then 08 or blank then the field CRcode will equal 7, otherwise nothing happens.

Does this sound right? Have i written it right?
If you Join the two table youre query is correct
They are joined, so that's perfect. I won't be able to test it until tmrw but was eager to see.

I guess my skills are improving, even if its a little bit
We all are learners. Good luck.
So i tried to implement the above code this morning as part of the update query and i receive this error = the expression you entered contains invalid syntax, without a corresponding operand, any thoughts

Field: CRcode
Table: tbltan
Update to: IIf([tblver].[Rcode] Not "08","",[tbltan].[CRcode]="7")
So i want it so for the records from tblver that we are updating if the field Rcode is anything other then 08 or blank then the field CRcode will equal 7, otherwise nothing happens.

error = the expression you entered contains invalid syntax, without a corresponding operand

You need to use <> instead of Not in the query expression
Or reverse the values and use = which is easier to follow

Also you are putting this expression in the Update to row of the query designer for the field CR code. So you don't need to reference that field in the expression

Lastly you have your expression back to front
The syntax is iif(expression, true part, false part)

Rcode must be text datatype to have values like 08
If CRcode is also a text datatype, then you need either of these:

Update to: IIf([tblver].[Rcode] <> "08","7","")
Update to: IIf([tblver].[Rcode] = "08","","7")

If CRcode is a number datatype, you need one of these
Update to: IIf([tblver].[Rcode] <> "08",7, Null)
Update to: IIf([tblver].[Rcode] = "08",Null,7)
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