Update the second table with the same item # and description using a query

Open the query and compare the picture you see to the picture I posted a picture of it above.

Just change the join from Symbol_Stock - Symbol_Stock to Investment_ID - Investment_ID.

I only looked at the first query. If none are updateable, they probably all have the same problem.
Thanks for all of your suggestions.

I now have all of our forms retrieving the correct data using the query

All NEW Equities and their profiles are entered into the table Investments01_tbl

B.U.T. I am having a problem in figuring out how to update the table
Investments01_tbl_RK from the table Investments01_tbl

Any suggestion will be appreciated. / Nicole


i was thinking your second table (history table) should have same table structure as with your Investment01_tbl table.
and stricly, ResearchDate on Investment01_tbl should be filled in.
therefore, everytime there is an Update in investment, you only need to Append the records from Investment01_tbl to your
history table.

the history table will show only the latest 4 records, right? you can accomplished this using a Query (Using Top 4 for each Symbol_Stock) and whatever Comparision/ computation should be done by the Query (or a function if it is too complex).

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