Upload Images


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Yesterday, 19:53
Jun 13, 2014
I'm using mysql and php to create a website. I want to upload an image to a folder on my server and rename that image to the records ID field and convert to jpg. Any suggestions on where to find this info? I have found tutorials on uploading and even renaming, but nothing on setting the new name to the ID of the record I'm currently viewing (the id number shows in the url). I don't want to save the images in the db itself...
The tutorials I've found have me run another page. This takes me away from my submitted form. I would like to stay on that form after submitting.

It's a basic "Edit" form that lets you view a single record and edit it at a time. I'm trying to get an upload image function on this page so the user can upload the image for the record, naming it the same as the ID field so that it displays on the page, and then stay on the page but refresh...

any help?

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