Solved Urgently needed a third party QR code generator seller for MS Access Invoices


Local time
Today, 15:18
Jan 21, 2020
Dear all,

I need a VBA QR code generator from a third party seller urgently of high quality , can somebody point me to that person as soon as possible . For example in the database control called QR I'm storing the URL received from the Virtual server see below:

QR (Text control) =

That is the one which I need to be on the invoices so that people are able to scan it and get the information of invoices.

You can contact me directly as the email below:

email :
If you are offering to purchase, what is your offer? I wrote a .NET command line program that I call from VBA like this...
Public Sub QRCodeCreate(Payload As String, Filespec As String, Optional PixelsPerModule As Integer = 10, Optional Async As Boolean = True)
    Dim Command As String
    Command = Sys.Path & "QRCode\MyQRCodeWriter.exe """ & Payload & """ """ & Filespec & """ 10"
    If Async Then
        ' execute the command asynchronously
        VBA.Shell Command, vbHide
        ' execute the command in-process
        Lib.ExecCmd Command
    End If
End Sub
You provide the payload and a filename and it writes a .png file. You can also run it synchronously so if a report needs the graphic immediately, and it doesn't exist yet, the report can create it.
I saw someone post something on LinkedIn recently. Maybe they are willing to sell it.
If you are offering to purchase, what is your offer? I wrote a .NET command line program that I call from VBA like this...
Public Sub QRCodeCreate(Payload As String, Filespec As String, Optional PixelsPerModule As Integer = 10, Optional Async As Boolean = True)
    Dim Command As String
    Command = Sys.Path & "QRCode\MyQRCodeWriter.exe """ & Payload & """ """ & Filespec & """ 10"
    If Async Then
        ' execute the command asynchronously
        VBA.Shell Command, vbHide
        ' execute the command in-process
        Lib.ExecCmd Command
    End If
End Sub
You provide the payload and a filename and it writes a .png file. You can also run it synchronously so if a report needs the graphic immediately, and it doesn't exist yet, the report can create it.
I can buy it at $200.00

Simply contact me on the email indicated
Okay finally

I have found the answer, its now working okay even you scan by a smart phone
For future reference, try to keep ALL details of any such transactions "behind the scenes." (Direct messages or profile messages or something that isn't in an open forum.) Doing this sort of thing "in the open" probably violates forum rules on advertising. But on the other hand, thanks for making it "quick and done."

Since this is a forum intent on sharing and community, how about sharing your solution that is working so that others may benefit?
Ok thanks

Private Declare PtrSafe Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, _
     ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long

Private Sub Report_Load()

' Declare variables
    Dim apiUrl As String
    Dim qrData As String
    Dim savePath As String
    Dim result As Long

    ' Get QR data from textbox
    qrData = Me.SqrCode.Value
    ' Construct API URL
    apiUrl = "" & qrData & "&size=200x200"

    ' Specify save path for BMP file in the same directory as the Access database
    savePath = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "\qr_code.bmp"

    ' Download QR code image as BMP file
    result = URLDownloadToFile(0, apiUrl, savePath, 0, 0)

    ' Check if download was successful
    If result = 0 Then
        ' Display the downloaded image in the image control
        Me.imgQRCode.Picture = savePath
        MsgBox "Failed to download QR code image.", vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub

The only disadvantage it only works when you have internet, I do not know if there any that works without the internet
Also beware that you are giving away potentially sensitive url's to a third party ( Do you trust them not to do nefarious stuff with that data?

I do not know if there any that works without the internet
The way you have coded it, it will attempt to download afresh each time you open the report - which may be desirable if you have made changes to the qrData.

Otherwise, why not store the the downloaded image on first download (using a identifying name for the image file) and load from disk/database each time the report opens?
I need a VBA QR code generator from a third party seller urgently of high quality , can somebody point me to that person as soon as possible . For example in the database control called QR I'm storing the URL received from the Virtual server see below:
Another way you can try: using Zxing, no need internet
I get from this Github of micjahn/ ZXING


Many thank to all people I'm grateful for the contribution

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