Use a combo box to determine form contents?


Watermelon Knight
Local time
Tomorrow, 00:06
Jan 26, 2009
Sorry for the foggy and unclear title, can't really find the right words so I'll get to the point. And in case anyone shouts out Google, I did try searching for 30 minutes with no luck and did check out the combo box wizard thingy ;P

I'm trying to have a form where the first object the user will see is a combo box, and since each value will be a computer component (Like a value to state that the product being referred to is a RAM Dimm, a sound card or a motherboard), but since each component type has it's own table with different fields, I was wondering if it's possible to make the contents of the form change according to the user's choice in the combo box on the fly. I was wondering that if it's too time consuming or requires too much coding I could just create a form for each component type. This is not important to be honest, and I'm not really aiming for long term experience to be honest so I'll probably shoot for the easiest option.

Would really appreciate any reply, and thanks :)
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create a form for each type and have the combo box open that form when you select it. Otherwise your form is going to get messy

or do a mainform subform kinda thing where the subform is the form you are looking for based on the combo box selection
Thanks rainmain, subforms sounds like what I'm after, I'll give them a try now :)

Sounds easy enough for what I just read about them, but I know I'm gonna screw that up aswell xD Thanks again buddy.

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