username and passwords for acces 2010


Thank you so much for your sample database. The LogOnSample database is something I was looking for. I managed to get it to work with no issues.

One thing that does bother me is that when I click the Staff Name combo box, I can see everyone's logon name, password, and access level. Does this mean my employees can see everyone's username and password?

After I modified the query builder to uncheck "show" for the password and access level, I would get the msgbox "Please check your password. As the one you entered will not give you access."

Is there any other options to get this to be "invisible" and only show the logon name?


Access 2010
I am guessing that in your combo box properties (format tab) you have the columns widths set to something other than zero for those fields you don't want to see.

That solved the issue! Thank you so much! It was set up as 0";1";1";1" and since I want it to show the username list only so I changed it to 0";1";0";0".


Hello txlibertygirl

Sorry for the late reply I have been on vacation. I don't understand your question however I will explain how it works:

1st of I can take no credit for the code; just like you I got it from this forum and did need to mod it a little.

The way it works is the table "tablstaffAccess" stores the user info which includes the computer userID. There is no password required. You must be logged onto your computer and your name must appear in the drop down list. If you meet the 2 conditions you will pass through the gate. In the drop down you can see all the names of those that have access to the database however if you are on someone elses computer and choose your name form the drop down you will not pass the gate.

I hope this explains it for you.



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