Using Form to update multiple records in a table simultaneously


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Yesterday, 17:52
Jul 11, 2018

Can I use a form to simultaneously fill in multiple records in a table based on a single input ?

Like if I put the claim number as 50 in the form, I want the Number of Claims in the table with multiple ID's to simultaneously update to 50.

Thanks for your help!
you can update multiple tables by using vba code behind a suitable event. But without more specific detail from yourself, that answer is as vague as the question
I have a table that calculates Maintenance Fees.
I have attached a PDF of the relevant column.
The maintenance fees for each Fees_ID are different hence it is in different records. But the NumberofClaims_Japan is constant and will be the same for all maintenance fees. The NumberofClaims_Japan will be input by the user of the database.
I was thinking of using a form to allow the user to define the NumberofClaims_Japan. But the Form creates a separate input page for each Fees_ID.

Is there a way I can enter the NumberofClaims_Japan once and have it updated for all the records simultaneously.


still not clear what you mean - but if numberofclaims is a field on a form, you can reference that form during your update
I need all records in the field NumberofClaims_Japan to fill in simultaneously and not be entered separately
You should try splitting the table into two tables with one to many relationship.
Thanks! could you help me with the steps to doing that
I am attaching a copy of my database for reference if thats easier.


Yes, it is possible to update sets of records. You do it by running an update query. However, there is something about what you are doing that looks incorrect. When you have the exact same value for all rows, then the value should not be in that table but should be in a different table where it occurs once rather than many times.

The additional questionable thing about the table is that you have data ("Japan") as a column name. The implication is that there are other tables or columns named after China, Australia, etc. and that would be categorically wrong.

So, you can simply run an update query to do what you requested or you can let us attempt to help you figure out the design flaw and fix it.

I agree with Pat There is a lot wrong with the Db

It is the first time I have ever seen a 1 to 1 relationship set between two Foreign Keys. Why are these set as they are??

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