VBA Access Compatability issue


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Today, 14:57
Jul 4, 2013
Hi All,

Thanks for reading my post, I have to first of all mention that I have developed an application using VBA Access, and then converted into an ACCDE file.

System resources of the workstaion which did develop the ACCDE.

Operating System - Windows 7 / Service Pack 1/ 32 bit
Microsoft Access - Access 2007 / Service Pack 3 / 32 bit

Now that I have sent it to some of my colleagues / client, whom had been using 3 different PC's, 2 of them had not been able to successfully work through it, as they are getting the errors as below.

Error in the 1st Computer as below

Windows 8 / 64 bit & Access version assuming 2010
Error message - This Database was created with the 32-bit version of Microsoft Access. Please open it with the 32-bit version of Microsoft Access.

Error in the 2nd Computer as below

Windows XP / 32 bit & Access 2007
Error message - The Database may have been created with a later version of Microsofy Office Access that the one you are using. Upgrade your version of Microsoft Office Access to the current one , then open this database.

Would you please share your thoughts, as into what remedy that I can proceed with.


you could always get them to open it in runtime. you would have to change the extension to .accdr and they wouldnt be able to get into the back end but if they are only using the database then that shouldnt be a problem
Hi Shutzy,

Thanks for the response, am gonna convert this as an ACCDR, and see whether this would work regardless of the OS platform, and the MS Office version.

Fingers crossed.



the tip above did not helped me, can someone gimme a hand in overcoming this issue.


Hello antonio.manoj.derose,
Error message - This Database was created with the 32-bit version of Microsoft Access. Please open it with the 32-bit version of Microsoft Access.
This error suggests that the user is using a 64-bit version of Access. In which case you need to create an ACCDE file in 64 bit version and then give them a 64-bit copy. As some would think backward compatibility is available (i.e. 64-bit version should accommodate 32-bit), unfortunately is not the case with ACCDE version.

I have my development machine with 32 bit, however my server has 64-bit thus, every time I make any changes I have to send two different versions. (I know it is a pain !)
Windows XP / 32 bit & Access 2007
Error message - The Database may have been created with a later version of Microsofy Office Access that the one you are using. Upgrade your version of Microsoft Office Access to the current one , then open this database.
That clearly states that you have incompitable versions of Access. You need to save the file as an MDB file to be used in older versions.
Would you please share your thoughts, as into what remedy that I can proceed with.
The one solution is to make a uniform change throughout. Access 2010 32 bit version. Thus making life easier.


1. Go to the First computer and compile the file as an ACCDE, then give a copy.
2. Save the file as an MDB, then create a MDE For the Second computer.

The above steps needs to be performed every single time when design changes are performed.
Thanks Eugin,

Your inputs came in really handy, and on your reply at the below section


1. Go to the First computer and compile the file as an ACCDE, then give a copy.
2. Save the file as an MDB, then create a MDE For the Second computer.


I am able to do the second step, but I am a bit confused in doing the 1st one, would of
1. Go to the First computer and compile the file as an ACCDE, then give a copy.

Question time for you from me ?

Would you want me to open it as a ACCDB in the X64, and then convert it to ACCDE, is that what you want me to do it, I would want to menion, that I am unable to work as ACCDB, as the click events does not work.

Question about forum writing ?

How can I paste the below
1. Go to the First computer and compile the file as an ACCDE, then give a copy.

I have seen you have pasted my comments, and replied with answers, which makes more sense for the readers, could you help me in doing that.


Would you want me to open it as a ACCDB in the X64, and then convert it to ACCDE, is that what you want me to do it, I would want to menion, that I am unable to work as ACCDB, as the click events does not work.
Yes, you need to go to a system that has 64-bit installed and then create an ACCDE file from there. Also make sure all your library functions (if you have used any) are declared PtrSafe for it tow work on both 32 and 64 bit versions.
Question about forum writing ?
You need to use the Quote button, to use the comments of the previous poster. That is alongside with the Thanks button, bottom right of every post. ;)
Hello Eugin, thanks first of all, you have helped me to get the ball rolling.

1. Go to the First computer and compile the file as an ACCDE, then give a copy.
2. Save the file as an MDB, then create a MDE For the Second computer.

The above steps needs to be performed every single time when design changes are performed.

as per to the above mentioned steps you have mentioned, I was able to do one after the other, I would say half joy only, please see points as below mentioned.

1. Go to the First computer and compile the file as an ACCDE, then give a copy.

answer : I was able to open it as an accdb, and then the click event was not working, I was able to find that there was a library function, which was to changed as 'Ptrsafe', okay now was able to get the ball rolling.

- File upload (.csv) : succesful
- search function : succesful
- claim form upload (.xls) : succesul
- Reconcile part (file saving part) : runs on and on, does not save, everytime have to get into the taskmgr, to kill the process

question : How can I get over this, in saving the files after reconcile.

P.S : Attributes of the workstation tried out - Win 7 64 BIT | MS ACCESS 2013 64 BIT

Attributes of the workstation creator - Win 7 64 BIT | MS ACCESS 2013 64 BIT (virtual workstation)

2. Save the file as an MDB, then create a MDE For the Second computer.

answer : I was able to save the file as an MDB, then create an MDE. Now when I tried working on, I was getting the same error just as I was getting earlier.

error : the database may have been created with a later version of Microsoft Access than the one you are using, Upgrae your version of MIcrosoft Office to the current one, then open this database.

earlier I was getting the same error, when I had not changed as .MDB, so for the note, earlier it was .ACCDB

eyecatcher : Eugin, one thing that I had noted, was when I had changed it as .MDB, do you want to remove the reference library 'Microsoft Calendar Control' as I have not removed it, when I had changed it into .MDB

question : How can I get over this, in saving the files after reconcile.

P.S : Attributes of the workstation tried out - Win XP 32 BIT | MS ACCESS 2007 32 BIT (No Service Pack)

Attributes of the workstation creator - Win 7 32 BIT | MS ACCESS 2007 32 BIT (Service Pack 3)


Hi Eugene,

Commencing from the below, I have to mention that the code is breaking at the point when it reaches this stage, had been mentioned in bold for your easier reference 'xlBook.Close'

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(filename)
Set xlWrksht = xlBook.Sheets("ClaimForm")
Set xlRange = xlWrksht.Range("A10:I10")





1. Go to the First computer and compile the file as an ACCDE, then give a copy.

: I was able to open it as an accdb, and then the click event was not working, I was able to find that there was a library function, which was to changed as 'Ptrsafe', okay now was able to get the ball rolling.

- File upload (.csv) : succesful
- search function : succesful
- claim form upload (.xls) : succesul
- Reconcile part (file saving part) : runs on and on, does not save, everytime have to get into the taskmgr, to kill the process

question : How can I get over this, in saving the files after reconcile.

P.S : Attributes of the workstation tried out - Win 7 64 BIT | MS ACCESS 2013 64 BIT

Attributes of the workstation creator - Win 7 64 BIT | MS ACCESS 2013 64 BIT (virtual workstation)
For your first Question, see if the Excel is having a prompt to Save changes or not. If the Control is on the Excel App, then you have to relinquish control by either adding Save command.

Secondly, you need to dismiss all references that will not be available in earlier versions of Access, also any part of code that uses the new version. Give a thought of Tables too, there were several new features that was added that are not available in earlier versions of Access.
Hi Eugin,

Thanks for your instant reply, have a little questions on what you have answered, in going forward in accomplishing the task.

For your first Question, see if the Excel is having a prompt to Save changes or not. If the Control is on the Excel App, then you have to relinquish control by either adding Save command.

Please note that first of all this works in the creator workstation being Windows 7 x32 | MS ACCESS x32 SP3, and in answering your question, Excel does not prompt for save changes, when that stage comes xlapp.close it does not do anything other than to show the process of circling on and on, until I open and kill excel from taskmgr.

Secondly, you need to dismiss all references that will not be available in earlier versions of Access, also any part of code that uses the new version. Give a thought of Tables too, there were several new features that was added that are not available in earlier versions of Access.

Will do and let you know.


Hi Eugin,

Many thanks in all of your updates, would you please help me in saving excel files, into the workstation. (after comparing 2 tables)

The reason I ask is because, the methodology which I had applied in the 32 BIT, does not like for the 64 BIT applications.


Hi Eugin,

The code works in saving towards files in the workstation, I am v.happy to say that, I from nowhere (the click events were not working - I was able to debug and go forth strength by strength in, rectifying all the issues and make it a success.

one thing I want to mention is about the file saving part, that am saving 2 files one after the other, so please note that am only able to save one file and not the other.

So am using excel templates to be saved as excel, after the process.

1) file which is saving uses a template does not have macros.
2) file which does not save, uses macros for the template file, and in the meantime, when a template is used without macros, that does save too.

Your inputs are welcome.

Points to adhere

1) Macros have been enabled.

Creator Workstation for the application is as below

Win 7 64 BIT | MS ACCESS 2013 64 BIT

P.S: I am more than happy to help the community, in helping them finding a solution by posting the code.



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