want to come to an online user group meeting?

Thanks for the explanation. It is certainly true that AccessUserGroups presentations are carefully edited due to all the reasons that you mention. I know that it takes George and I at least 10-15 hours to edit each month's presentation and I suspect that is true for Crystal also. Video editing is a very time consuming activity as I'm sure you are aware from your own experience.

Having said that, in my opinion, watching a recorded video is never the same as being present at the live event when you are able to interact to ask questions / make comments etc.

Anyway, back to editing this month's Access Europe presentation by Aleksander Wojtasz . . .
. I know that it takes George and I at least 10-15 hours to edit each month's presentation and I suspect that is true for Crystal also. Video editing is a very time consuming activity as I'm sure you are aware from your own experience.

Indeed! Even a 5-minute video can take an hour to edit. Here's that word again it's an excruciating process!

And for what purpose? Why would you put yourself through that tortuous experience, for what? For the video to get 100 views in a year!

That's why I'm attracted to the interview style. An interview, basically a conversation between two people, should not need so much editing...

Mind you it might not be necessary to ever edit presentations anymore! AI will do them for you!

I'm not sure I agree with the editing being easier for an interview style format.
Personally, I find editing the Q&A sessions in the AEU videos can be the hardest part to do well.

Pleased to say I do get many more than 100 views in a year but I accept your point.
It would be great to get the viewing figures of Richard Rost with his 200K+ subscribers.
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