Web developer is looking for new clients


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 17:58
Sep 30, 2014
Ladies and Gentleman!
I use my fundamental knowledge and skills to provide a comprehensive life cycle of web and mobile software.

I help my clients to create unique products in different up-to-date sectors of IT sphere for any taste and budget. Key areas of my activity include:

1) Development of web software connected with such present-day solutions as

  • Wordpress
  • Magento
  • Joomla
  • Zen Cart
  • Open Cart
2) Development of mobile applications meeting all the modern technical requirements

  • iOS applications
  • Android applications
  • Cross platform applications

If you are interested in my proposal please contact me and I will be pleased to answer all your questions.
fundamental knowledge...comprehensive life cycle...unique products...IT sphere...Key areas...present-day...modern technical requirements

Let me be the first to say:

BINGO!! I win. And I didn't even need to use the free space.
Wtf is this lfmao. Is this guy looking for work in Web Development on an Access forum? Real keeper.
Hey man, please make your account on freelancer or elance. You can get plenty of web development clients from there. If you want any free website templates then here they are - editorsdepot(dot)com. These will be very useful to you for making excellent websites for your clients without spending any money.
Hey, I would recommend setting up a profile on LinkedIn if you're looking for work, this is probably not the best place....
Have you thought about setting up an online portfolio for your work as well?
This company offer pretty good web hosting packages if it's something you're interested in.
I think it's a nice way to make yourself stand out from the job market crowd! And it means you can show off your skills to employers easily .
Just trying to help because I know how frustrating looking for a job can be!
You are helping no one.

This thread was spam from someone who has never signed back on (http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/member.php?u=134735). It lay dead for 14 months then Zelna posted something worthless.

Now, 2 months after that, you keep posting back here. It's starting to seem you are running up your post count to do some link spamming of your own.
oh oops sorry, should have checked the date! I'm a bit new to this so still figuring out how it works ... :)

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