Week number for start of 2021


Local time
Today, 18:26
Jan 6, 2021
Hi, I have table and need to calculate WEEK NUMBER based on date. however when enter year 2021, My week 1 doesn't start with 27/12/2020.
date 27/12/2020 become week 53. I want my week 1 start with 27/12/2020 (Sunday is 1st day)
my formula is:

IIf([Rejection Year]=2019,Int((([Rejection Date]-DateSerial(2018,12,30))+6)/7)+Abs(Weekday([Rejection Date],1)=Weekday(DateSerial(2018,12,30),1)),Int((([Rejection Date]-DateSerial(2019,12,29))+6)/7)+Abs(Weekday([Rejection Date],1)=Weekday(DateSerial(2019,12,29),1)))
Hi. Can't test this right now, but what do you get if you use the Format() or DatePart() function?

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Hi. Can't test this right now, but what do you get if you use the Format() or DatePart() function?

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hi.. but format and datepart() cannot use at table. thats y i have to put it long wayyyyy.. 😁
there is a syntax in the date functions to change the default week numbers to a different calendar, based on the start date of your week, and I think the start date of week 1. You need to look at the help carefully.

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