So, it looks like they should all go out ok this Saturday. Solved!
I recall when I set up our Mailchimp lists I needed to register a domain (you've got that) and enter certain settings in order for email clients like Gmail, Hotmail, etc to not reject them under newer, stricter rules. I can't tell you what those settings were but I could dig for them. Can you check stats of # of bounced or rejected emails?Oh dear, looks like I've got more troubleshooting to do. Nothings simple!
It could be something to do with SPF and DKIM settings which are about authenticating the source of the emails. I changed the DNS settings recently and I wonder if this has had an impact. I receive the email myself, but that doesn't really mean anything. I will add it to the list.
Well there goes that theory....I got one too! About 6am Pacific time.
I guess us poor yanks ain't getting one....