What is connecting to my Access 2007 table


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Today, 11:38
May 9, 2012
I am re-doing an Access 2007 database and I need to find files that are pulling data from it. How do I explain this.
The people that designed this system connect excel files and other access dbs to the tables in this access db and use these in pivot tables/charts etc. When I recreate the database, the structure will change and therefore the tables they link to will not have information in the same format. The table names will be changing too.
I am hoping there is a way to find out which files (and possibly AD user info) have an external link to a table in access. Is there a system table that shows all connections made to the db? I apologize if this is confusing, but the whole set up is confusing and there's no documentation.
Thanks in advance.
Is there a system table that shows all connections made to the db?
Only if you have built one yourself through a login/password function.

Suggest you start now to find out who by sending an email to everyone who may be affected - as stakeholders I would have thought they would have an input into any changes being made.

You could contact IT to find out which users have access to the directory in which the db resides

you could change the name of the db and see who screams - and pray there are no critical company processes relying on access to the db
I think I will have to do the 'try it and listen for the screaming' method unfortunately.
There are over 1000 users with access to the directory and I don't have any interest in contacting all of them.
Thanks for the reply and confirming my suspicions.

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