Where You From

Born in Menomonie, WI. I travelled a lot as a kid, military Dad. As a kid, I lived in Orange Park, FL, Colorado Springs, CO, and WI before ending up back in Jacksonville, FL. I've been here ever since, although that is going to change soon. It looks like I may be heading West by the end of the year, Salt Lake City, UT. I've visited many times, nice place.

My ultimate goal would be to make it all the way to the West Coast. Anywhere between WA and CA would be nice. I need to get out of this Bible belt town. The increasing crime rate and way of thinking here are too much for me to handle anymore.

How ironic? I have been to every state out west, EXCEPT, Utah, btw Jax, Salt Lake may not be the Bible I am use to, but you are in for a big surprise.
WI TX FL UT CO CA do you guys ever consider that not every body on here is an American?

WI TX FL UT CO CA do you guys ever consider that not every body on here is an American?


Not really. I'm sure there are plenty of Americans that don't even know what these stand for. ;)
lol They're postal abbreviations that tend to get used pretty much everywhere here.

WI = Wisconsin
TX = Texas
FL = Florida
UT = Utah
CO = Colorado
CA = California

You're on your own for finding out where precisely in the US they are, I'm not posting a map. :-P
When I first saw this Menomonie, WI, I thought it was a joke - play on words -
I got no money, WI.

This seems quite ironic
I need to get out of this Bible belt town. The increasing crime rate and way of thinking here are too much for me to handle anymore.

We don't usually associate Bible belt with increasing Crime rate... times they are a changin'.

Good luck
Ok everybody to keep Brian happy, if you post a state that has not already been defined, spell out the whole name. example = Merseyside England.:):)

BTW: I was hoping to get more participation from other countries.

2nd BTW: Orange Curtain you still out there?
New South Wales, Australia, not far from the continent's most easterly point.

NSW is a state. It was the original colony when the British invaded in 1788.
Queens, New York
United States of America
New South Wales, Australia, not far from the continent's most easterly point.

NSW is a state. It was the original colony when the British invaded in 1788.

How far are you from John B B. I PM and not yet received anything back. He added a lot to this forum.
lol They're postal abbreviations that tend to get used pretty much everywhere here.

WI = Wisconsin
TX = Texas
FL = Florida
UT = Utah
CO = Colorado
CA = California

You're on your own for finding out where precisely in the US they are, I'm not posting a map. :-P

Thanks, I guessed 4 correctly and might have worked out Colorado if I had made the effort, but WI, well I've never been there so doubt I'd have come up with that.

Thanks D7A for posting my location, not difficult of course as it's on all my posts. How drilled down did you want the info, just country or down to the city/town ?

Many US states are bigger than many countries which prompted a question on a TV quiz where the contestants had to name countries larger than Texas, but the idea was to find obscure not obvious ones.

Thanks, I guessed 4 correctly and might have worked out Colorado if I had made the effort, but WI, well I've never been there so doubt I'd have come up with that.

Thanks D7A for posting my location, not difficult of course as it's on all my posts. How drilled down did you want the info, just country or down to the city/town ?

Many US states are bigger than many countries which prompted a question on a TV quiz where the contestants had to name countries larger than Texas, but the idea was to find obscure not obvious ones.

Actually Brian I though about adding other criteria but it was dubious that anybody would divulge anything about themselves. I am glad for the response that we are getting and I encourage people to add anything they would like. My life's work after retirement is "people", which is more rewarding than my civilian welding , or my Navy aviation, or my Navy welding. Each were rewarding enhanced by the people I met.. Especially in GB and Germany.
Oh, I thought you had told me you lived near Dayton. I must have been thinking of somebody else.
That is close to Dayton, D7A,,,,,,,,,,, A two hour drive is nothing especially when I40 is so close.

That is close to Dayton, D7A,,,,,,,,,,, A two hour drive is nothing especially when I40 is so close.


In that case meet me in Murfreesboro it will be only about a 35 mile drive for you after your finish your work, at Toots Good Food and Fun, 860 NW Broad St, Murfreesboro, TN 37129. Thurs anytime that suits you work schedule. They are open until 11:00 pm, MY TREAT!
Thanks, I guessed 4 correctly and might have worked out Colorado if I had made the effort, but WI, well I've never been there so doubt I'd have come up with that.

Thanks D7A for posting my location, not difficult of course as it's on all my posts. How drilled down did you want the info, just country or down to the city/town ?

Many US states are bigger than many countries which prompted a question on a TV quiz where the contestants had to name countries larger than Texas, but the idea was to find obscure not obvious ones.


Even Florida is larger in land size than England. It's amazing how different things look on a flat map, isn't it? :D
Come on join in, nobody's go to laugh, well some might, but let them show their ignorance. Don't forgot wherever you live it is on the best planet in the Universe.

I keep wanting to visit Aussie land, but with JBB gone who is going to invite me to there house.

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