Who had one of these?

Uncle Gizmo

Nifty Access Guy
Staff member
Local time
Today, 21:05
Jul 9, 2003
I still have a Psion 3a :) admitted not used anymore. :(
I was fascinated by these PDA when they came out, I really loved the Palm Pilot. I think I had three or four different makes of PDA over several years. I had a HP something or other (Hewlett-Packard) the HP had a module you could plug into it and use it as a phone but it was a abysmal! In effect it was one of the first smartphones, way before Apple and Google. But for some reason Microsoft didn't see a future for them! Quite pleased really because if I look back over my life all the mistakes I've made they pale in comparison to Microsoft's PDA mistake! I recall one of their Top men spouting something like mobile computers will never come to anything... Can't remember the guy's name so it's time for Google --- "Steve Ballmer"
I remember having a palm pilot that I found somewhere. It had no info on it to point to the owner and I wound up keeping it after no one claimed it. It wasn't very useful for much if I recall correctly. Mostly just a phonebook and calendar. Funny to google it and see it only had 512kb's of memory.

Makes me wonder how much money I've spent over the years upgrading HD's, memory, processors, monitors, etc.
I used my Psion 3a extensively. I had it with me pretty much all the time and was unlikely to forget it. It had a great DB for contacts, you could find in any field. Great calendar reminding me of events/birthdays. Had a program to log my time on various projects where I was working. great spreadsheet as well. Long battery life, expanded with proprietary cards.
Still plugged into the mains on a stand in my small bedroom which is really an office now. Plenty of spare parts as well, but I do that for pretty much everything. :D

By contrast I can go out and still forget my phone. :D
I too had a Palm Pilot when it first came out. I was amazed how total strangers would approach me and ask if I had any apps to share or receive. Almost useless things but good entertainment value.

Completely placed by smart phones...
For my delivery job we were issued one the first compact cell phones (Motorola) . It was a small suitcase 99% battery with a handset in the top. Pretty sure it weighed 5-6 pounds. Similar to the pic below.

I worked with a colleague who had one back in 1988?
Radio shack 1980's. I think it was $2 - $3 a minute.
reminds me of the story about this chap at the airport who stops someone carrying two heavy suitcases (no wheeled cases in those days) who had just got off a flight from Singapore. The chap stops, pulls back his shirt cuff and says 'It's 1pm here in the UK, 8am in Singapore and oh - it's about to start raining'.

First bloke says 'wow, that's amazing, you get all that from your watch?'
'yes' says the second 'and it does more - it's got an alarm, a timer and a calculator - saw it in Singapore and thought 'I've got to have one of those'
'I wouldn't mind getting one of those myself'
'well you can buy this one off me if you like, I'm back there next week and can get another'
'it's a deal, how much?'
So the first bloke hands over the cash, takes the watch, admires it, put's it on his wrist and starts to walk off
'wait' says the second bloke. indicating the suitcases - 'don't forget the batteries'

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