Who's Next? (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:00
Oct 9, 2015
2021? missed the boat on that then :)
Maybe he has done some math. It takes 15y to grow up and be ready for battle !?
So all born in 2021 can join the field in 2036. He plans to live until then to see his plans unfold.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
, 23:00
Mar 14, 2017
So, we could bomb Mexico and no one would care because we are permanent members of the security council??? Despite the fact that they are facilitating a ground invasion.
Think about it for a second. I think the single fact that provides the best evidence that the United Nations is a joke is the simple fact of who is on the security council.

You would think only the best most reputable most responsible countries in the world would be on that council the whole thing is just a stupid joke.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 02:00
Feb 19, 2002
See, there's where our stupid wokeness comes to the fore. We think that if we treat them with respect and give them responsibility, they will step up to the task. It's like promoting your worst, most incompetent programmer to lead the team. (Maybe that's not all bad though. At least they won't be writing code. I'm pretty sure that's how some of the managers I've had over the years got their jobs;))

I think we should cut off foreign aid to any country that votes against us in the UN. What else is our money for? It certainly isn't getting to the people. And this is the group that our "leaders" want to be in charge of the whole world. It will turn out just like the Paris accords. We follow the rules and no one else does:( Or, we pay all the bills and no one else does. How stupid can our leaders be?

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