Why Cant I...


Arriba Arriba!!!
Local time
Today, 22:27
Sep 4, 2003
Put this subfrom up without the message:

You cant use a pass-through query or non-fixed column crosstab query as a record source for subform or subreport

I've made a form using this, and it works fine.

What do I need to do to sort it out??:confused:
Are you saying that you getting an error message but the form still works ok?
Please elaborate...
If i open the form on its own, everythings cool.

If i put the form as a subform, i get the error message.

I've used crosstabs as subreport in the past without and problems, but never tried a pass-trhough - which are you using as you recordsource?
i got a normal query as the source. But that query has a crosstab as part of it. Maybe thats the problem...

I've never even heard of a pass through!
Sorry - don't think I can help you with this as I've never tried anything like that. Sounds like its a limitation in Access

Wish I could have been more help.

FYI - Pass-throughs are SQL specific. You only use them on SQL (or other non-Jet) back ends.

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