Why is Biden president?


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 16:49
Mar 14, 2017
If the stuff in this article is true, which would appear to be the case based on references to dozens of pieces of hard evidence which completely refute Biden's constant "I know nothing" claim, I'm confused on why Biden is still not in prison, but we are prosecuting Trump for a misdemeanor, with the main witness being a lawyer who has already been proven to be a liar-under-oath?

Why do Democrat voters wish to pursue Trump, but have elected a corrupt criminal and continue to support him even after evidence has irrefutably concluded he is corrupt?

Why is Biden president?

Because the other side doesn't have Chuck Schumer and other rabid politicians to constantly impede and harass Biden. Otherwise, in the real world, he would have been banished into obscurity 47 years ago.
You can't prosecute a sitting President. You have to impeach him first. Then you can throw the book at him. But, Congress is never going to impeach him. He is too well protected. Even Trump's DOJ was in on the joke and refused to pursue the crimes.
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Why is Biden President?
Simple, the voters are both stupid and gullible.
At a somewhat deeper level, the Democrats know how to sell a message that appeals to the voters. Basically, the Democratic appeal is, vote Democratic and we give you "Bread and Circuses". Very appealing.
Going one more level deeper, The Democratic party is like the Borg, much of the media acts as the propaganda arm for the Democratic party, and some high profile social media channels (Twitter) and social media moguls (Mark Zuckerberg) applied "pressure" on the election scales to tilt the election to favor Biden.

As to why Biden is still President; all the forces described above are still being used to suppress the public's overall awareness and any political calls for the Borg (Democratic politicians) to call Biden-out. Republicans also seem reluctant to call-out Biden. Playing the moral high ground as the Republicans seem to be doing, seems self-defeating since Democrats had and continue to have no such reluctance in using dirty politics and with using the power-of-the-state to intimidate and in some cases arrest conservatives.

While the Fox News article focuses on Biden playing the Sgt. Schultz defense concerning his business dealing, that is only one component of the many components that Biden is "guilty" of. These include human trafficking (Open Border), child abuse, foreign policy appeasement, promotion of racism, Covid panic, climate change hysteria, crippling energy policies, and irresponsible fiscal policies to name a few. Each of these are impeachable offensives, yet the Republicans in Congress (cowardly) fail to bring those charges forward. (It is more than likely that an impeachment attempt will unfortunately fail for the simple reason that Democrats put party over both the rule-of-law and the national interest.)
Basically, the Democratic appeal is, vote Democratic and we give you "Bread and Circuses". Very appealing.
Too bad nobody reads Gibbon's opus on the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire any more.

1. Our borders are no longer secure. We are being invaded from the North as well as the South.
2. This cheap foreign labor has replaced our black slaves who can no longer be relied upon to vote for the Democrats and so they must be replaced.
3. Our enemies are merging to rise against us.
4. We aren't expanding but we are sure spending way more than we take in but we are using it to defend OTHERS rather than ourselves. We are committing suicide at an alarming rate.
5. Even our Presidency is for sale. Let's not forget that we are also persecuting people who align with the out of power political party.
6. See #1
7. The DOJ thinks observant Catholics and parents concerned over their children's education are domestic terrorists. They have convinced themselves that the enemy is within.
8. The military cares more about making sure that they have flight suits for very pregnant pilots rather than whether we have enough bullets and missiles to fight a war. They fire competent people for not ingesting dangerous, unnecessary drugs. We gave 85 BILLION dollars of military equipment to our enemies as well as our secure air bases to the Chinese.

It's all there folks. Open your eyes. Of course most of you haven't read history so you can't see the parallels with Rome.

QUESTION - should Italy pay reparations to all the other countries of Europe (and many in Africa and the middle east) whom they enslaved at one time or another? Or, is it only black people who "deserve" reparations? Maybe they should only pay reparations to the African countries they enslaved.
Too bad nobody reads Gibbon's opus on the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire any more.

1. Our borders are no longer secure. We are being invaded from the North as well as the South.
2. This cheap foreign labor has replaced our black slaves who can no longer be relied upon to vote for the Democrats and so they must be replaced.
3. Our enemies are merging to rise against us.
4. We aren't expanding but we are sure spending way more than we take in but we are using it to defend OTHERS rather than ourselves. We are committing suicide at an alarming rate.
5. Even our Presidency is for sale. Let's not forget that we are also persecuting people who align with the out of power political party.
6. See #1
7. The DOJ thinks observant Catholics and parents concerned over their children's education are domestic terrorists. They have convinced themselves that the enemy is within.
8. The military cares more about making sure that they have flight suits for very pregnant pilots rather than whether we have enough bullets and missiles to fight a war. They fire competent people for not ingesting dangerous, unnecessary drugs. We gave 85 BILLION dollars of military equipment to our enemies as well as our secure air bases to the Chinese.

It's all there folks. Open your eyes. Of course most of you haven't read history so you can't see the parallels with Rome.

QUESTION - should Italy pay reparations to all the other countries of Europe (and many in Africa and the middle east) whom they enslaved at one time or another? Or, is it only black people who "deserve" reparations? Maybe they should only pay reparations to the African countries they enslaved.
Why does ANYONE deserve reparations??

If at the time you were born you had equal opportunity, that's all you should care about.
We can all go back far enough and find ways that are forefathers were mistreated.
QUESTION - should Italy pay reparations to all the other countries of Europe (and many in Africa and the middle east) whom they enslaved at one time or another? Or, is it only black people who "deserve" reparations? Maybe they should only pay reparations to the African countries they enslaved.
Why does ANYONE deserve reparations??
  1. Slavery was world-wide and historical phenomena. Dan Carlin discusses slavery.
  2. Reparations are only reserved for those who were alive at the time and deserve compensation for the wrongs they endured.
  3. Approximately 620,000 troops died in the Civil War. For a better breakdown see: Civil War Casualties. So based on what we are being "sold" today shouldn't the decedents of a all the Union troops get reparations?
  4. We have had "reparations" for 60+ years in the form of Affirmative Action. So if more "reparations" are supposedly justified that raises the question of when is enough, enough? Reparations are being "sold" by race baiters and grifters to line their pockets.
  5. If this somehow becomes reality; how are you going to even determine who deserves reparations? Many Blacks have immigrated into the US and their families never experienced slavery. Many Blacks are rich, should they get reparations? How do you handle cases like that. What about all the White people that never participated in slavery; why should they be force to pay?
  6. Fraud. Elizabeth Warren claimed that she was of Cherokee descent to obtain unjustified privilege or that of Rachel Dolezal who falsely claimed to be Black. Basically reparations, should they be authorized, will be an open invitation for fraud.
And remember the new religion of Sexuality.

According to its dogma, if I decide I am a certain thing, therefore, I am that thing now.

There's only one way to actually be born again, and it's the only such option in the history of mankind.
The question was rhetorical and intended to point out, not very successfully how truly stupid the idea of reparations actually is. The confusion happens of course because of how we mis-treated our Japanese citizens during WWII and how Germany and other European countries stole from the Jews and others also during WWII. Minor reparations were eventually given to the Japanese who were forced to sell their homes and businesses while they are held in an internment camp.

We should be thinking ahead to the reparations we owe to the Jan 6 people who have been persecuted and had their rights violated by the Jan 6 commission as well as the FBI and DOJ. How do you give a person his life back after holding him without bail for more than 2 years for the heinous crime of "parading"? How about the rest of us who have had to suffer at the hands of our illegal president? In the unlikely event that a Republican is ever elected president again, can we add a punitive tax to all Democrats to pay us for what we lost?
Not to change the subject but, I've been feeling led recently to add a 2nd service-related theme to what I began to delve into a little bit about 4 months ago (ministering to incarcerated people). And that is, volunteering for the benefit of elderly people who are alone, or suffering various difficulties.

Boy do I wish every American could be a fly on the wall in some of these other countries. From what I have seen in Mexico, there is just a cultural "norm" of caring for the elderly in a way that just seems so RIGHT to me. On the one hand I love what my Dad taught me about being self-sufficient, because the idea of "work" [to care for what needs to be cared for, which for every person ought to be, at minimum, their own self, plus any others they commit to] .... is so essential to a healthy life and society. And yeah, our current society is struggling a lot right now with this trait.
And it shows in every metric from A to Z, but to start with, the % of Americans on anti-depressants for lack of a good social interactive structure...

It's very sad to me to see so many older people who have really paid their dues in life, struggling along, totally alone in many cases, mostly forgotten, and almost never listened to.

Not only am I impressed a lot with that situation, but at the exact same time, I've concluded that our modern western society has way too much over-emphasized re-inventing the wheel on every subject in the book, rather than, perhaps, the little bit of adjustment that was needed to break people away from absolute servitude to tradition and rules and into a more creative, enabled mindset.........but then, like everything else, it went so far that many have completely lost sight of one thing that will probably never change for as long as the world continues: People who are significantly older than you have had so many more iterations of common experiences than you [me, etc], that if we would just seek more advice from others, we could shortcut finding out many things the long, painful way. This is a true concept not just for Age, but any person experienced in something. The biggest resource we have for life-improvement is to arm ourselves with enough humility to tap others' advice, but this is terribly difficult for our egos, so it goes largely under-utilized.

It's curious if you think about it: A generation so devoted to Scientific principles, largely ignoring the reality that Science involves a lot of being able to discover something New by standing on the shoulders of whoever came before. We tend to be very Scientific until it involves setting aside our ego's. For instance, re-inventing our value system from scratch every generation is the new norm, but how exhausting does that sound !?

So at the same time many elderly people are lonely and neglected in the USA, they simultaneously represent a huge pool of good advice for younger people, even from a selfish perspective!

Think for a moment about the success of nations where respect for the elderly is of utmost importance......

All that to say I'm working on identifying a venue where I can volunteer for this population. Whether they need some material help or just conversations and friendship. I expect it to be an even bigger blessing to me than them, and will post back how it goes!
It's very sad to me to see so many older people who have really paid their dues in life, struggling along, totally alone in many cases, mostly forgotten, and almost never listened to.

So at the same time many elderly people are lonely and neglected in the USA, they simultaneously represent a huge pool of good advice for younger people, even from a selfish perspective!

When I was my mother's primary responsible party after she was placed in the nursing home, I visited her 6 days a week. (Friday was my "shrink" day.) When I would visit, I saw SO many people sitting around looking lost. When I asked, I learned that over half of them never got family visits. When Mom went down that dark path, a cell phone was useless because she was originally not tech savvy anyway, but once her mind degraded, she even forgot how to start her car. I knew the inevitable was coming, but that revelation ended the doubt. For the next 3 years, I visited Mom and talked with her even past the point that she no longer knew me. I talked to her less than 24 hours before she died.

My mother-in-law was getting a little ditzy but not terribly so. Her problem was that her body was giving out on her. My wife and I assured that she had visits on a regular basis AND she could still use a phone so there was contact. But again, in the nursing home we noticed a lot of folks who were blank and staring. The attendants confirmed that a lot of them were along, getting no visits.

Isaac, we may disagree on some religious issues but our belief in the importance of family is strong. As it should be. Have a good day!
The ultimate solution was Biden winning all of the critical states needed to win the election.
Funny how those were the states that successfully blocked audits long enough for the voting machines to be wiped and envelopes to be shredded so the count couldn't be verified with the PO count or the machine files:( Federal and/or state laws require all voting materials to be kept for 2+years or until the contested election is decided. But who cares, it was only the evil orange man. It's not looking good for the NYC DA, and the Georgia DA doesn't have a viable case either. They are all just attempts to keep DJT from running again lest he overcome the Democrat machine.
The response in #12 sounds A.I. generated, especially this part.
It should also be noted that the 2020 election was particularly contested and contentious, and Biden won through a lengthy process of vote counting and legal battles in several states. The ultimate solution was Biden winning all of the critical states needed to win the election.
The response in #12 sounds A.I. generated, especially this part.
Interesting conjecture. Very plausible. What would be interesting is the question (posed to the A.I.): Why did Trump loose?
Anyone with access to CHATGPT want to ask that question?
I wonder if @PetieT will acknowledge?
@AccessBlaster: Thanks for responding. Both the Biden/Trump A.I. responses were polished and succinct. Both also had essentially the same cadence, which makes it conceivable to discern that the responses were artificially generated. Good call in your post.

There is one major dichotomy in the A.I. responses. The question posed to the A.I. is why Biden won and why Trump lost. So it would be understandable that certain obvious facts, such as voter turn-out, would be central to the A.I. responses. What is interesting, is that when it comes to Biden, based on Post #12, no negative insinuations were included, such as much of the media being virulently anti-Trump which may have cost Trump votes. Yet with Trump, the A.I. does include allegations of voting irregularities and concludes with them being unsubstantiated. Since these allegations were mostly post voting, these would not be an actual reason for Trump losing but serves as a gratuitous negative jab. Subsequent, to the conclusion of the election process, the ability of the Democrats to tilt the election in their favor has been documented. With that in mind, it seems that the A.I. should have included a paragraph that Republican accusations of Democratic election tampering have been documented which may have given Biden unearned votes. This lends credence to the assertions that the A.I. is biased to favor the leftist point-of-view.
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Open AI had trained until September 2021, beyond that it appears to be relying on user input for updates and possibly the internet. I'm sure this doesn't introduce any biases. ;)

Biden became president of the United States after winning the election in November 2020. He was the Democratic nominee and won the election with a majority of the electoral votes.
One of the reasons Biden won was his broad national recognition, including his long career in politics and his experience as vice president under Barack Obama. In addition, Biden promised to clean up the economy, health care, fight for social justice, and effectively manage the COVID-19 pandemic.
It should also be noted that the 2020 election was particularly contested and contentious, and Biden won through a lengthy process of vote counting and legal battles in several states. The ultimate solution was Biden winning all of the critical states needed to win the election.

My favorite was the video they have of vote-counters in cities like Detroit and Pittsburgh, frantically putting up cardboard to cover up the windows as they were counting votes. 😀
I wonder what they were hiding:mad: And going to court to prevent anyone from auditing the Dominion machines before they could be scrubbed. Let's not forget the - "don't believe your lyin' eyes" video of four women in the dead of night recycling the same batches of ballots dozens of times to increase Biden's count.
Taken as a whole, if we were to sum up progressives' philosophies these days, these terms I think tend to describe many if not most of them:

- Laziness, excused by blame going in every direction but the mirror
- Don't believe your eyes and ears, believe what we tell you instead
- Hate is bad, except it's good to hate those you incorrectly believe hate you

Have I missed any big ones?

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