Why is VBA returning an "Overflow" error?


Access VBA
Local time
Today, 00:53
Jun 10, 2010
These are returning an "Overflow" error.

Num1 = 54635133914# MOD 181440
Num1 = CDbl(54635133914) MOD CDbl(181440)

Is there a certain limit for the MOD operator?
MOD and Integer Divide (\) operands are implicitly converted to Long datatype so are limited to +/- 2^31.
So your equivalent would be:
Abs(5463513391) - (181440 * Int(Abs(5463513391)/181440))
Inet, can you please educate me..

Abs(5463513391) - (181440 * Int(Abs(5463513391)/181440))

Rather then:
5463513391 - (181440 * Int(5463513391/181440))

Why is it better to use here the ABS function?
I like using examples. Try this out:
([COLOR=Red]-[/COLOR]5463513391) - (181440 * Int(([COLOR=Red]-[/COLOR]5463513391)/181440))
and compare it to your other result. Can you see what Abs() does now?
Interesting, Microsoft documented in the MSDN library that the MOD operator can handle "any numeric expression".


The funny part about that article is 2 fold:

1) the MSDN articles were copied verbatim from office help files, or vice versa. Whatever cost less money for some poor soul to do by the hour.

2) notice this part of the file:
Usually, the data type of result is a Byte, Byte variant, Integer, Integer variant, Long, or Variant containing a Long, regardless of whether or not result is a whole number.

USUALLY? Well, in MS terms, if you look deep enough into this they're basically saying that the result can't be longer than a LONG. But you're left to figure that out for yourself (as you just did!). :p

Abs(5463513391) - (181440 * Int(Abs(5463513391)/181440))

Rather then:
5463513391 - (181440 * Int(5463513391/181440))

Does it matter? iNet is putting the ABS() function in to cover the scenario where you pass a negative val to the function. If you do pass one, you'll get the MOD number back but with a nice little "-" sign attached to it.
Does it matter? iNet is putting the ABS() function in to cover the scenario where you pass a negative val to the function. If you do pass one, you'll get the MOD number back but with a nice little "-" sign attached to it.
The main point is that you will get undesired results without Abs(). So it wasn't really about having a prefixed minus sign. Remember that minus * minus = plus, so this part
 - (181440 * Int((-5463513391)/181440))
will evaluate to
[COLOR=Red]-[/COLOR] ([COLOR=Red]-[/COLOR]5463521280) 
[COLOR=Red]+[/COLOR] 5463521280
As you can see, it will give undesired results, hence the Abs()

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