Why (2 Viewers)


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 07:26
Mar 30, 2012
Why would anyone in their right min pick a group of defenslaess legal immagrants, and use then to try a scare. Any one with a sould and a trace of empathy do such a thing. Trump is liar. If you believe hin thaen you must have sipped the cool aid.
As opposed to the crystal light that you have taken for the over-reaching, over-taxing, power-hungry, soul-sucking Biden, Harris, and Walz clique?
What flavor was yor cool aid?
I understand that the Hations (from Hatia) have filed suit against Trump and Vance.
Why would anyone in their right min pick a group of defenslaess legal immagrants, and use then to try a scare. Any one with a sould and a trace of empathy do such a thing. Trump is liar. If you believe hin thaen you must have sipped the cool aid.

I don't mean this in the least disrespectful way, but when you make some of these posts have you had a few drinks first? Almost every word has a mistake in it. This goes beyond spelling and suggests drunkenness. Speaking of Kool-Aid..

Trump is pointing out a legitimate problem wherein our current president has been sneaking in immigrants by misusing and abusing several specific programs. It is a very legitimate thing to raise the issue on and it ought to be examined and scrutinized and then corrected. I'm not sure what the problem is?
Why would anyone in their right min pick a group of defenslaess legal immagrants, and use then to try a scare. Any one with a sould and a trace of empathy do such a thing. Trump is liar. If you believe hin thaen you must have sipped the cool aid.
Who knows what you are even talking about. I also suspect temany martonies.
legal immagrants
Legal immigrants? You have to be joking. Biden/Harris are purposely not enforcing immigration laws. They are illegally handing out the documents to anyone to give a false appearance of "legality". That does not make the presence of the Haitians in the US legal. Unfortunately, our legal system is too slow from preventing Biden/Harris in undertaking this illegal activity. Moreover, Biden/Harris refuse to comply with the US Supreme Court when it makes rulings calling their actions unconstitutional. Biden/Harris are lawless.
@jpl458 - I fully accept that you have the right to have an opinion. I think you can see that some of us disagree with it. But your vehemence only invites vehemence in response - which is a microcosm of what is wrong with this country. You know your argument must be weak because nobody pays attention to it - so you get nastier in hopes of garnering attention. But it is the wrong kind of attention. You attack the messenger without paying attention to his message.

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