What Has the Biden Administration Actually Done?

You are taking the exact opposite tack. And you see nothing wrong with that. You are just as much a spreader of binary propaganda as her followers are. You're both in a trap.
Being unable to condemn the actions of Hezbollah tells us exactly who you are. I guess it is simply not possible for you to ever, no matter what the situation, agree with Trump.
Instead of playing word games, it seems that you should be condemning the horrid actions of Hezbollah. Does your apparent silence mean that you support Hezbollah's atrocious actions against children?
Of course not. Out of necessity, the US has become the best in the world at surgical strikes. American public opinion is part of our culture. Vietnam taught us that. During the Obama administrations American forces killed more terrorist than anytime in history. But we were still able to avoide massive collateral damage. Being critical of Israel's war effort does not nesseraly equate to anti sematism.
The major American hypocrisy is conservatives that maintain that the Ukrainian situation is not our problem.
The Answer, in my opinion, is to start surgically killing Iranian backers. They are the real enemy.
Being unable to condemn the actions of Hezbollah tells us exactly who you are. I guess it is simply not possible for you to ever, no matter what the situation, agree with Trump.
Once again, you take my words out of context, and extrapolate conclusions.
I have been warning of the dangers of Hezbollah for over twenty years, maybe thirty. The conclusion here is that you are unable to understand who I am.
As far as Trump is concerned, it's not that I disagree with everything, its that almost everything he is, is motivated to securing his base. Because he is smart enough to maintain his power that way. His worshiper lack the critical thinking skills to comprehend that.
Once again, you take my words out of context, and extrapolate conclusions.
And yet, instead of agreeing that Hezbollah is killing innocent Israeli citizens, you take pot shots at Trump. That tells us all we need to know. Your TDS exceeds the evil done by Hezbollah. And you doubled down with your response;) OK. Whatever.
For once you make a rationale response. The Israelis have been using this approach for years.
It's not for once. Ideology keeps you blind.
And, you completely took my answer out of context. Unlike some of the post here, mine are usually single topic, which means context matters.
And yet, instead of agreeing that Hezbollah is killing innocent Israeli citizens, you take pot shots at Trump. That tells us all we need to know. Your TDS exceeds the evil done by Hezbollah. And you doubled down with your response;) OK. Whatever.
Out of context, once again. You are the one that mentioned Trump, I was following up.
Define cultural suicide.
The birthrate of the Western world is below the replacement rate. The Western world has been ceding territory to the Islamic world. The Western world is allowing Muslims to enter their countries. They will bring their culture with them. The Islamists have no skin-in-the-game to uphold Judeo/Christian values. Should they achieve political power, expect them to establish an Islamic state. Notice that Islamic states regulate Christians to second class citizen status. In fact, our younger generations exhibits a high degree of self-loathing of this country. This has been heartily endorsed by the likes of Obama and Biden.

The there is the racist DEI programs, which are diminishing the concept that this country should be a meritocracy.

The Democrat have been practicing lawfare against conservatives.

Instead of looking "outward", the society is looking "inward". So instead of trying to improve our space program (as one example), we are consumed into devoting massive dollars towards a variety of social programs such as DEI, welfare for all, free college, etc. All these social programs are enviable goals, the concern is that we are paralyzing ourselves with a massive pretzel.

Many US athletes, who supposedly represent the US, openly condemn the US at international events. On recent example that just occurred: Paris Olympics organizers say they meant no disrespect with ‘Last Supper’ tableau. Yes, free speech allows this type of behavior, the problem is that it also demonstrates a growing depravity by the populace towards. Christianity. Let's flip the script, if this event mocked Islam, there would be cries that this was racist and example of flagrant Islamophobia.

The dominate culture has a right to protect itself. Unfortunately for the reasons identified above, it appears that that the public is essentially unwilling to protect our culture. So we slowly dissolve into oblivion.
By coincidence this appeared on X today. LeBron James refuses to stand for the National Anthem
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The birthrate of the Western world is below the replacement rate. The Western world has been ceding territory to the Islamic world. The Western world is allowing Muslims to enter their countries. They will bring their culture with them. The Islamists have no skin-in-the-game to uphold Judeo/Christian values. Should they achieve political power, expect them to establish an Islamic state. Notice that Islamic states regulate Christians to second class citizen status. In fact, our younger generations exhibits a high degree of self-loathing of this country. This has been heartily endorsed by the likes of Obama and Biden.

Yup. except the Blaming Obama and Biden, that part is pure MAGA brainwashing
By coincidence this appeared on X today. LeBron James refuses to stand for the National Anthem

Ok, gotcha. You mean the great replacement theory.
Ok, gotcha. You mean the great replacement theory.
A tired empty response. What do you think is happening when you allow allow illegal immigrants to flood this country without any criteria? Democrats for years have been touting: "the demographics are with us". Clearly they are implementing "replacement theory". What do you think that means?
Where are you people getting the information that we are paying illegal immigrant to come here.


Isaac said: "Allowing around 10 million migrants to enter the country illegally over the past three and a half years, relocating them across the nation, providing housing and monthly stipends, all at taxpayer expense."

That DOES NOT EQUATE to saying we are paying them to come. It says "Once they ARE here, we are paying them to STAY."

You can't even read something and take it literally. Do you wonder why you get so much flak? Stop dancing around the truth like it was a bear trap ready to bite at your ankles.
You can't even read something and take it literally. Do you wonder why you get so much flak?
No I don't.
You guys have a different set of rules. You twist facts, but you demand absolute from me. Plus, I have no emotional investment in these conversations. I do this in search of even the slightest deviation from MAGA brainwashing.

So far, not a single sentence from the believers even admits it exist. You know unequivocal and OCD political positions limits their validity.

This behavior is what has led millions of people to want anyone but Trump. I used to think a mirror fogger would be enough, but I was wrong, now many will settle for a liberal. If you read these conversations, the winner-take-all, which you agreed to in a previous thread, is all that matters. So here we are getting nowhere. And I know you people 100% blame Democrats for every problem we have, and believe conservative solutions are the only ones that work. 100% no deviation. The liberals blame you for all problems, but there are less of them, and as such, propose a much lessor threat to the fabric on our society.

Y'all (Liberals and MAGA) y'all are all victims. The entire brainwashing arena is based on it, yours, theirs, it's all the same. Trump just speaks your brand of, that's all.

Don't worry, I'm going away soon, I just came here for evidence and entertainment. Admittedly, I did have some preconceived opinions about it. Still, it is overwhelming to witness such Dogma.
And I know you people 100% blame Democrats for every problem we have, and believe conservative solutions are the only ones that work. 100% no deviation.
No, we also blame RINOs and some slack-jawed independents to name a few.
Forum rules prevent me from saying what needs to be said here, but I will state that your responses seem to not be rationally considered. We have a saying "don't feed the trolls." Were you planning a diet soon?
Forum rules prevent me from saying what needs to be said here, but I will state that your responses seem to not be rationally considered. We have a saying "don't feed the trolls." Were you planning a diet soon?
I don't mind being labeled a troll Doc. What's coming for us, well it's straight out of Sci-Fi , old folks will be happy they're dead and gone. We are in the very last days of the human race the way we know it.

Conservatives are scared, that all.

So they cling to by gone days.
Another generation and we may not even be recognizable as humans. At the minimum we are going to be cybernetic, and we shall change, even as far as a whole new species of Sapiens is about to emerge.

That is, if we don't have WW3. In which case, the end of the old ways is still a the most likely outcome.
What's coming for us, well it's straight out of Sci-Fi , old folks will be happy they're dead and gone. We are in the very last days of the human race the way we know it.
Maybe you could elaborate on this?

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