Will Biden Ever Take Genuine Hard Questions from Reporters?

Dumbfounded, I continued to stare at the screen for a few seconds waiting for the "punch line". Then I realized that the feed had been cut.:oops:

Then there is Biden's arrogantly offensive "Neanderthal thinking" remark. Another case of a Democrat (Biden) making a highly offensive comment. In making that type of offensive accusation, Biden is also playing the political "never the right time card' as if he (Biden) is the only one that can base a decision on the "science". As of yet, I have not heard of the Democrats "walking any of that back".

In today's wokeism, where Dr. Suess has now been designated as "cancelled", Biden's use of "Neanderthal thinking" is a racist statement. Just because Neanderthals aren't around any more, is no excuse to denigrate them with an ethic slur. What would have happened if Biden had substituted the word "Black"? Oh, wait - he actually did in another incident where he told a Black man: "If you don't vote for me, you are not Black enough".

These incidents again, raise the question of where is the (left wing) media?
Had Trump been involved in either of these incidents instead of Biden there would have been massive faux outrage.

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The State of the Union Address. Another footnote in this saga of Biden continuing to hide. Since the State of the Union address has not made the headlines, I missed that Biden is apparently avoiding it. Too much other stuff in the headlines.
The Constitution only requires an annual report. It doesn't require a speech so I'm guessing that we'll get a written report and the media will pretend that that's normal.
Biden first press conference...

Watched it. I'll give a "C" grade based on it being a boring presentation, no substantive gaffes, and touching on all that compassionate touchy-feely stuff that Democrats like to project. For persons not too deep into politics, Biden "passed". In terms of this thread, Biden still did not take any genuine hard questions. Joe Concha, who writes for The Hill, said on Fox News that the press pool was an embarrassment for failing to press Biden on his responses.

Though, I'm giving Biden's press conference a "C" grade, Biden's credibility for me is zero (0), as in unbelievable. Clearly, I'm biased. Biden attempts to project himself as being for the "middle class" and that he is a "Union Man" (Biden gets quite animated on that point.) These claims are simply hot air and not supported by his acquiescence to progressive left wing ideology. Biden claimed that the would represent all Americans, even those who did not vote for him and if Biden really supported the middle class and unions; he would not be shutting-down the US oil&gas industry in such an aggressive, immediate, and dictatorial fashion.

Biden is also quite schizophrenic on a couple of topics. On one hand, Biden publicly claims to want to work with Republicans. But then in responding to the press (not necessarily at this press conference) concerning the lack of Republican "buy-in" on Biden's legislative proposals, Biden (paraphrased): "I'm a pragmatic man, if the Republicans won't agree with MY agenda, then we (Democrats) must proceed". That is not compromising, that is steamrolling the opposition. No attempt to work with the Republicans. Biden also tossed in the lie that most Republican voters as opposed to Republican politicians, approved of his initiatives.

Another schizophrenic topic is so called "voting rights". Biden became quite animated on this topic. He essentially tossed in the never ending lie by Democrats that the Republicans are "suppressing the right to vote". Biden leaves out that the Democrats want to remove all impediments to voting, such a voter identification. That will essentially destroy the concept of voter integrity, thereby creating opportunities for fraud. The recall of Governor Newsom is currently underway in California. Part of the process involves signing a recall petition (equivilant to a ballot). Of the signatures collected so far, 18.33% of the signatures have proven to be invalid. Hypothetically, applying that error rate to a ballot would mean that there is a potential that without voter identification at the time a ballot that there could be a high error therby leading to a "fraudulent" election result. The Democrats, led by Biden, should be for voter identification and cleaning-up the election roles if they are really concerned about the integrity of the voting process.

On transparency, Bide once again claimed that his administration would be "transparent". When pressed by a reporter on what that meant, Biden responded (paraphrased): "When we are ready to share information with you". That is not being transparent.

As a side-note. When Biden was campaigning and conducting a press conference, the supposed "reporters" acted more like planted Democratic operatives who tossed Biden pre-approved soft-ball "questions". It was blatantly obvious. For this press conference, I couldn't tell if the reporters were pre-selected or not based on their "support" for Biden.
I just thought of a good one. "President Biden, sir, you're such a decent and honest man, transformative and beneficial policies, with wisdom and integrity, showing incredible success so far. Will that continue?"

[President Biden looks up from note cards or from smelling something]: "Yes"
The first question asked was from PBS and it really wasn't a question, she praises Biden as a moral and compassionate man. I guess they are trying to secure more funding for the future. No questions regarding Covid, one garbled response to gun control.
The "media" was predetermined from a list with Fox nowhere to be found. Way too many follow-ups questions, with a pool of 30 reporters only 10 were able to ask questions. Most of his answers came from a binder including the obvious blame Trump for everything.

Other than that I really liked it. :D
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The Post pondered why reporters didn’t yell and interrupt like CNN’s Jim Acosta did during Trump’s presidency, and noted that correspondents failed to ask key follow-up questions
Quite amazing at the reporters sudden change of heart. With Trump they crawled over each other to shrilly scream accusative statements camouflaged as "questions". Now the reporters all of a sudden act polite and "feed" Biden chocolate covered soft-ball questions.

This Joe Concha video, has become available: "Yamiche Alcindor's question to Biden was 'patently embarrassing'".
Video link: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6243954804001
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Still stuck with vile ad hominem attacks? How childish. Did you see Biden's press conference? If so, how about a sane thoughtful analysis of Biden's performance. I devoted one hour of my time to listen to your side, do you have any capability of listening to the other side? Seems that you have not taken your TDS medications yet.
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Obama and Trump would just wing these pressers, apparently sleepy can't even pull off the simplest tasks. Like walking. :p

Shoes's on the other foot. Losers weeps, let me play the violin for you

Trump as President was an aberration that will never ever happen again.
Best thing the Republican party can do right now is to disassociate itself from right wing extremists and find a worthy candidate for 2024.
Meantime, buckle up and shape up, or ship out.
We are going to hang the Jan 6 insurrection around Trump's neck and tie it off so hard that his neck will snap!
All you Trump loyalists sold your souls to the evil slime of humanity and I hope you go down in flames with him.

At an actual press conference Thursday inside the actual White House, an alleged reporter asked Mr. Biden about the national humanitarian crisis he alone has created at our southern border — by far the greatest crisis of his young presidency (so far).
In all fairness, Ms. Alcindor may sound like a special interest operative pretending to be a journalist inside the White House because she actually works for the Public Broadcasting Service, a government-funded organization. Maybe she sounds hopelessly compromised because, well, maybe she is.

Whatever the case, it was a shocking display of corruption and collusion between the current White House and the supposedly independent press entrusted to ask questions and hold elected officials accountable. (Emphasis added)
NPR is playing partisian politcs, they are not neutral news organization. When it came to some prior stories NPR quickly came out to vilify the Trump administration and to support of the Democratic mantra saying that there was nothing to see and to move on. Hunter Biden and Justice Kavanaugh.
President Biden's first formal press conference is in the books, and it was deeply embarrassing to anyone who thinks the media's job is to hold presidents accountable.

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So you are proving President Trump had nothing to do with a few knuckleheads who entered the capital building on the 6th, good to know thank you.

Also, can you let your new friends at the state department know that Hunter Biden violated Federal law by lying on a background check? We can't have crazed crackheads running around with guns. Thank you for your cooperation. :p


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